Slower than she's ever been undressed before.

"Are you un-sewing the seams or what?" She bites slightly. "Just push the skirt up. Easy access- remember?!"

Laughing at her impatience, he kisses her neck a few more times and then answers her.

"Not in this dress."

"But you said..."

"I know how much I paid for this dress. You will keep it nice for our wedding." She freezes and turns to look at him. Her cheeks growing hot and her blush rolling over them like waves on a beach.

"Are you promising me?" She smirks and he snarls.

"I'm threatening you. This dress will stay in pristine condition."

"Oh...." He removes it from her gently and gingerly hangs it up on a hanger and places it in the closet. The second he turns around, she more or less tackles him into the closet door. Wrapping her legs around his waist and clutching around his neck, his hands resting on her upper thighs to hold her there. They kiss a duet they're both on a different page.

She's going for a fast pace sex, while he's actually trying to be more conservative and go nice and slow.

He gets to his bedroom and he sets her on the bed and she's immediately at his pants working on the button like a tiger ready to attack.

"Slow down, Mione. It's not a race." He says as he catches her hands at his waist.

"Slow down? Don't you want passion and..."

"Who ever told you passion was fast is playing you sweetheart." Face contorting in confusion, she always associated passion with fast pace sex. That's all her and Gavin ever had done. Fast one and done- though she isn't as confident now in her abilities to understand sexual prowess. "Let me show you passion."

Slowly, he removes his shirt and she just sits frozen- unaware what to do, now that he told her she was wrong.

Hermione is never wrong.

Leaning back on her elbows, she looks at him- her lips parted and eyes tracking every move he makes- trying to learn and analyze what passion is.

I should've read a book and done my research first.



"Are you lost in thought or just admiring me doing all the work?" He jokes having gotten down to just his boxers.

"Oh...sorry... I was just... it doesn't matter." He smiles- loving how cute she is when she's over thinking everything. Taking her left leg by her ankle, he removes her heel and lets it drop to his bedroom for. Leaving a kiss on the inside of her ankle, Draco's eyes never leave hers. He sets that one down and takes her right- doing the same as the left. He looks at the little heart on the pad of her foot and leaves a little kiss there- which tickles because of his facial hair and she nearly kicks him in the face, but he dodged just in time.

Covering her face out of embarrassment- he inwardly scolds herself. She didn't think her first time having sex with Draco would be so stressful and tense for her. He seems cool as a cucumber- why can't she?

"Trying to take me out, huh?" He laughs and she shakes her head no, but never removes her hands from her face.

She's failing.

She's failing miserably and she hates it.

It's her worst fear- to fail.

Especially when Gavin used to think sex with her was great.

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