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It's been a month since I started to shift and still I was not successful. I tried everything not to give up. I wanted to be there, I wanted to escape from my verbally and physically abusive parents.

I wanted to experience school there and the professors. Most of all, I can do whatever I want in my desired reality.

I told my best friend, Helin, about this shifting and she could tell that I was super desperate. I was sitting at a bench, with my laptop open to my book that I was writing. Mr Shaun was the one on yard duty in the area. I actually wished that I hadn't seen him. The less I see him, the lesser crush I have on him. Helin was one of the few people that knew my crush for him.

'Do you want to go to the lockers? There's like 4 minutes left', I said checking my watch.

'Do you need to get some books'? Helin asked.

'No, it's just I need to find Amal for a calculator, I'm too poor to buy one', I laughed.

'Dane, do you want to come'?

'No, ah, I have a free period now'.

We both nodded and began walking to the lockers. Today was not my day, Mr Shaun was heading our way. I started to have a mini panic attack and started to talk random things.

'Bro, I'm so broke, buying all this Harry Potter shit'.

'Hi'. My eyes widened and my mind froze. Helin elbowed me but I was too late to say "hi" back as he passed us already.

'Stop', I told Helin.

Bloody fucking hell, what the hell just happened?

'Was he saying hi to me'? I asked Helin.

'Yeah, he even waved to you, he was like "hi", she waved.

'Oh my God, no way'.

'Your blushing'.

'I am but he rarely speaks to me, shit, I should of said "hi" back, he probably thinks I hate him now'.

'Relax, like it's ever going to happen'.

'I know but my daddy issues, you can't hold that shit back'.

'I never understand what you're saying'.

'So if you have daddy issues, you like older guys because you seek for someone more mature, gentle and more kind, basically, a mature older male that can take care of you, boys my age aren't like that, that's what I think, okay next time I will say hello'.

'Yeah, you better'.

I went home and I couldn't stop thinking what happened today. My anxiety got the better of me and I started overthinking. Tonight, I was determined to shift. I pushed all my thoughts away and got ready.

My body began to feel numb, I didn't think much of it. Then I smelt peppermint, I wrote that in my script. I slowly opened my eyes and I was on the train in a compartment with Harry and Ron, heading to Hogwarts for my first year.

'Oh my gosh, I did it', I exclaimed.

'Did what, Robin'? Harry asked, eating some candy.

That's right, they don't know.

'Nothing, nothing, hey, pass me some chocolate'. Harry gave me some chocolate and I began eating.

When we arrived to Hogsmeade station, everyone got off. I heard the familiar call of Hagrid.

'First 'ears this way please, come on now, don't be shy'.

'Oh my gosh, Hagrid', I said.

'Well, hello there and who might you two be, any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine'.

The shifter (Severus love story) Shifting seriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя