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The sound of waves crashing against land, and the smell of salt in the air made the moment buzz with electricity. Mira threw her head back and let the wind part her hair in a way which Niall thought was stunning. But then again, Niall always thought she was stunning. There was just something special about her when she was like this though.
Maybe it was the sun making her hair sparkle, or the way the drops of water rolled down her shoulders. Or maybe it was the way her shoulders had finally relaxed, and the lines had finally left her forehead. He couldn't quite out his finger on it, but whatever it was, it made him love her even more.
"Niall?" Mira looked over at him, eyes sparkling with newly acquired life.
"Yes Mira?" He glanced over at her, wondering what crazy ideas were possibly floating through that beautiful brain of hers.
"I just had the craziest idea." She stood up from her chair.
All she could think about was Niall. Their adventures, their secret glances and inside jokes. His stupid bleach blond hair, and his mischievous blue eyes.
"I think I might love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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