Fifth Entry

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Saturday #1

I wake up to the warm feeling of Hiro's cuddling by my side and the sun shining through the blinds of our bedroom window. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Hiro's brown curly hair. I realize Hiro's head is snuggled into my neck and his hair is in my face.

Hiro is the best cuddler.

I try to sit up without waking him up but he groans and holds me tighter before saying "Stay in bed with me." "Hiro come on." I whined. "Please? I would do the same for you." He mumbled into my neck making me giggle a little. "I know you would but you take forever to wake up. If you did it for me, you wouldn't have to wait as long." I said. "Please! Please please please please please!" He begs, squeezing my sides in the process. "Ok ok!" I giggled and he stops, smirking at me before going back to sleep. "Can I at least sit up and go on my phone?" I asked. He groaned but allowed me to sit up, resting his head on my belly. I reached for my phone and started scrolling through instagram. Since I don't have any friends outside of this house, i don't have any messages to check. However, I do still like to look at celebrity social media pages. I scroll through instagram and don't find anything interesting. Then I get a text from Emerald. "Are you stuck in a cuddle prison again?" She asked and I smiled before replying "How did you know?" "Welcome to the club." She said and I giggled before saying "You too?!" "Yep. Tony won't let me off of the bed. What if I need to use the restroom?" She said. I giggled some more and started thinking of a response. "What are you giggling about?" Hiro asked. "Are you waking up so we can get out of bed?" I asked. "Nope." He said. "Then I'm not telling you." I told him, returning my attention to my phone. Before he could say anything, our bedroom door opened revealing Baxter. "Hey guys!" He said enthusiastically. He was still in his pajamas so that could only mean one thing.

"Baxter no! Not you too!" I whined. "Please! I want to cuddle!" He begged with his puppy dog eyes. "I'll never get out of this bed!" I complained. "Oh hush. There's millions of girls that would die to be in your position." Hiro said. "Good! Then you don't need me then." I said back. "Of course we do." Hiro said as we moved to give Baxter room on our bed. So now both Baxter and Hiro have their heads resting on my belly and their arms wrapped around my waist. "Comfortable?" I said and they both nodded. I rolled my eyes before going back to my phone. "Guess who joined us?" I said. "Baxter?" Emerald replied. "Ding ding ding!" I replied. SHe sent a laughing emoji and then said "You know how some women marry two guys?" Emerald asked.

So in our world, it's completely normal for a woman to have two husbands. It happens a lot. "Yeah I know." I said. "Do you think that's going to happen between you three? Baxter seems to like you." Emerald said. I was shocked by her words and didn't quite know how to respond. Then, I was caught completely off guard by this.

"Payback time!" Baxter yelled right before both Baxter and Hiro began nibbling the life out of my belly and squeezing my sides. "AH!" I squealed before erupting into a fit of giggles. I tried my best to push them away but they were too strong. "STOP!" I squealed. "Make us." They both said. "CITY!" I squealed and they started tickling me more. "CIIIITTTTYYYY!" I screamed louder. Seconds later, City basically breaks down the door. "What's the emergency?" She says with electric sparks shooting from her hands like she's ready to fight. "Make them stop!" I squealed and she sighs with relief and rolls her eyes. "Boys, don't you think it's a little too early for this?" City asked. "Nope. Do you Bax?" Hiro said. "Nope." Baxter said as they continued. "Alright I didn't think I would have to do this but," City said before putting up her right hand and saying "You have until I count to five to get out of this room." City said. "But this is my room!" Hiro whined but City just smirked and said "One." When she says one, electric sparks start coming from her thumb. "Oh shit." Baxter said as they both sat up and stopped tickling me.

However, I kept giggling because of the scared facial expressions on their faces. "Two." She said, her index finger now sparking. "Wait, we have three more seconds to tickle Sapphire!" Baxter said. "Three. Four." City said super fast. "Looks like you only have one second to get out." She said sternly. "Why are you so dumb sometimes? You could have just kept tickling her. I would have followed!" Hiro said as they both walked out of the room. "How was I supposed to think when she's shooting electricity out of her fingers?" Baxter argued right as they left the room. Then, City closed the door and came on to the bed with me. "Alright, it's time for some girl talk." She said with a smirk. "What about?" I asked. "Oh come on. Baxter has been all over you lately, more so than usual. And Hiro, well, he's always all over you." She said and I blushed. "Do you have feelings for both of them?" She asked. I've honestly never thought about it but I do feel the same way about both Baxter and Hiro. "Yeah I guess I do." I blushed, making City squeal with excitement. "When are you going to tell them? Oh my gosh! You should tell them today!Or right now! Or maybe I can tell them for you!" City said. "Woah woah woah! Slow down City." I giggled. City has always been a hopeless romantic and she's right. I do need to tell Baxter and Hiro. I'm just scared. What if I mess up the relationships we have already? "Don't worry. I'll tell them. I'm just not sure about when." I said honestly. "City?" I heard Hiro say through the door. My heart dropped and City's eyes widened. "Were you boys listening to our conversation?" City asked. "No. I just want my room back." Hiro said and we both sighed. "Oh ok. You can come in now." City said as she got off of the bed to leave. "I'll go help Flexi with breakfast." She said, waving goodbye, exiting as Hiro entered. "We'll get you back eventually but right now, I'm going to go shower." Hiro said, coming over and kissing my forehead. Then I went back to texting on my phone. "Emma, are you still stuck with Tony?" I texted. Not even seconds later, I heard knocks on my door. "Come in!" I said and both Emerald and Ava came in. "Good morning!" I said with a smile and they both came onto my bed to hug me.

After Hiro is done taking a shower, I quickly take one and join everyone in the kitchen and dining area for breakfast. "So, what's the plan for today?" I asked as I sat in between Hiro and Baxter and City handed me a plate of pancakes and eggs. "Well, actually I was thinking we could..." Hiro starts to say but is cut off by the most irritating blaring sound I have ever heard in my life. It's also the sound I dread the most in my life. It means "We got to go." Hiro said, his face quickly going from calm and happy to serious just like it always does. The same goes for the others. They all immediately hop up and press the button on their wristbands that make them suit up.  "Girls you know the drill." Baxter said and me, Emerald, and Ava all stood up and follow them to their meeting room to hear what the threat is. "Girls you don't need to be in here." Hiro said, blocking our way. "We'll tell you what happens when we get home. But right now, you girls need to go to the safe room. Now." Tony scolded. We all groan and I roll my eyes before quickly rushing to my room to get my laptop, laptop charger, and phone charger (I already had my phone with me) and then making my way to the safe room. Before I get there, Baxter and Hiro run up to me. They both look really worried. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing's wrong. But you forgot something." Baxter said as they both bent down to give me a bunch of kisses on my neck. "Okay okay! You two have to go!" I giggled. They both stopped and Hiro said "We love you Sapphire." The way he said it made me really scared like it always does and I nodded saying "I love both of you too." Then they both hugged me and whispered "Safe room. Now."  and then ran past me to leave. I quickly ran down to the safe room, saw that both Ava and Emerald were already there, and then closed the door. The room did a scan and then a huge metal door slide down as a Siri sounding voice said "Safe room secure. All three special ones are safe." 

They set up the security systems to call us to special ones, even though technically they're the special ones since they have super powers. Then, the blaring finally stopped, which means they all left. 

The safe room looks a lot like a game room to be honest but better. We have a huge sofa pit with a bunch of pillows just in case we have to sleep here, a TV, a fridge full of food a microwave and stove, some toys for Ava to play with, and a restroom. It's meant to keep us safe for as long as they're gone. The only way to open it is if City, Flexi, Hiro, Baxter, or Tony come back and open the door. We're supposed to be able to sleep in here when they're gone overnight but we never fall asleep just in case. 

"Do you think they'll be back?" Ava said with a sad face expression as we all sat on the couch. "They always are." I said, even though I was just as scared as she was. 

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