Fourth Entry

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"Did anyone invite anyone?" City asked and we all just shook our heads no. "Who the fudge is it?" Baxter yelled, except he didn't say fudge. "BAXTER!" We all yelled. "There are children in the room!" Ava said, rolling her eyes and we all laughed as we got up to see who it was. "It's the S-H-O!" A deep voice said on the other side. "Does he mean shoe?" Baxter questions. "You are actually dumb? He said sho, not shoe!" Tony exclaimed and we all laughed. "Thank you for saying that Tony or I would have had to." I told him and he chuckled. Hiro opened the door and we see two men in black suits. "Good evening Mr. Hiro. We are here to..." One of the men start. "I DIDN'T DO IT!" Baxter yells and we all laughed. "Baxter, do you need help?" I asked him slowly. "No, but you will." He said, picking me up and squeezing my sides. "Anyways, we are here to propose an offer. We are the SHO, Superhero Organization. We think you all, including the non-supers, would be an asset to our organization." He said all professionally. "Baxter quit it!" I begged. "Baxter quit it!" He mocked me. "City!" I tattled. "Baxter!" City scolded and he groaned before stopping. I then proceed to stick my tongue out at him and he gasped. "But City!" He whined. "Shut up." She said, rolling her eyes with annoyance and smiling with amusement at the same time. "May we come in?" The guy asked and we all nodded, making way for them to walk in.

"So, if you join the Superhero Organization, you will still be paid for you services by the government like you are now. However, you will be paid a lot more." One of them said. "We don't do this for the money." Flexi said and we all nodded. "We know this. We just wanted to let you know. You will also be moved to a different home. A much bigger home." He said, looking around our current house and nodding. "We also will give the non-supers weapons for them to fight with as well so they can be superheros like the rest of you." He explained. My eyes light up. "Really?" Emerald, Ava, and I squealed. "No!" Hiro, Baxter, and Tony all groaned. "What?" I asked. I was sitting in between Hiro and Baxter so I turned to both of them, looking confused. They just avoided eye contact. "It wont be dangerous. They will go through training and..." They continued "I think you should leave." Tony said and all of us girls are just looking st the boys like they grew not two, not four, but six heads.

Right when the men in black left, all of us start arguing. "What is your problem? You both know how much Ava and I have always wanted to be superheroes!" I yelled at Hiro and Baxter. "And he said it wouldn't be dangerous! They were going to train us!" Ava added. "You both look dumb!" She added. "Ava, remember what we talked about. Nice words persuade. Mean words prevent." I told her and she nodded. "Did I say dumb? I meant.... um!" She tried to save herself and I just facepalmed myself. "Are you two done?" Baxter asked. "How rude!" We both yelled. "Ok now we're done." I told them. "You're not becoming superheroes." They both said at the same time." "But..." I said. "When we go out on a mission, what do you guys do?" Hiro asked and I gulped. I know where this is going. "We stay up until you get back." I said. "Why?" Baxter asked. "To make sure nothing happened to you. But that doesn't stop you guys from going!" Ava said. "We have superpowers! You guys don't! You have no protection except us! And if we said yes and one of you two got hurt or killed, I would never, NEVER forgive myself." Hiro yelled at both of us and we just sat there, dumbfounded. "We can't let you guys get hurt by some stupid villains. I literally can't live without you two. You're my family." Baxter added and a tear started rolling down my face. "So you're not becoming superheroes. Period." They both said, walking off.

Even though I understand where they are coming from, I'm still extremely annoyed by the situation. I love them both but Hiro and Baxter can be so overprotective and it's so annoying! I remember back when I used to have friends in school, I went to a friends house for her birthday party and both Hiro and Baxter refused to leave my side. I remember it like it was yesterday. "Alright. This is the party. You guys can leave now." I had said. "Are you kidding? We aren't going anywhere. We already paid for a nanny to watch Ava." Hiro had said and I groaned. I got out of the cab and they followed. "Guys, I'm serious. Go home. I'll be fine." I begged them. "Oh shut up. We're staying and there's nothing you can do about it." Baxter said, only making me more aggravated. "Make me." I challenged him and he looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Make you what?" He asked. "You told me to shut up. Make me." I repeated confidently. "Oh God. Not here guys!" Hiro said. Ya see, Baxter and I always play fight with each other since we argue so much. And that's kind of what happened. We play fought at one of my friend's birthday parties.

I guess that's why I don't have a lot of friends anymore.


Regardless, I still love them.

I decided to give Hiro the silent treatment. After changing into my pajamas, I walk into our bedroom and climb onto the bed. "Hey princess," He said, looking up from his phone to smile at me. I completely ignored him and he noticed. "Princess?" He asked again. I covered myself with the blanket and layed down, turning away from him. Within seconds, Hiro had wrapped his arms around my stomach and pulled me into him. "Why are you ignoring me?" He whispered into my neck to see me giggle. I giggled but decided to close my eyes and pretend to fall asleep. "Princess! Don't do this to me!" He begged, still whispering into my neck. I try to move away from his but he just tightens his grip. I still stand my ground. "I know you hear me." He says as he begins to use his fingers to draw circles on my belly. I start giggling but keep my eyes shut. "This is about the superhero situation isn't it?" He asked and I nodded quietly. "Sapphire I love you too much to put you through that kind of danger." He said. I could hear the emotion in his voice when he said that and it almost got me to give up the whole silent treatment thing. "Please talk to me princess. Please." He begged.

That did it.
"Hiro, you didn't even include us in the decision." I told him, turning around so I could see his face. "I know princess but it just seemed like there were no other logical conclusions to that matter." He said. "I get where you're coming from but next time, include Ava and I in the decision." I said. "Ava?" He asked with one eyebrow raised. "Yes Ava!" I scoffed and playfully shoved him. "She's five." He reminded me. "Yes and Baxter acts five. Your point?" I asked him. "You make a good case." He said and we both laughed. I end up yawning in his face and he laughs harder. "Sorry." I said blushing. "I think it's time we get some shut eye." He said and I nodded. He reaches over and turns off the lamp light before cuddling into me some more and kissing my forehead. "Good night my love." I told him. "Good night my heart." He said back.

We say that to each other every single night and it never gets old.

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