"Miss Cattermole, I thought I warned you about your inappropriate behaviors."

Althea's defense mode: on

"I don't know what you mean, sir. I was sitting on my seat the whole time, as I was told to."

He leaned in closer as his stare got more threatening than before. "You know exactly what I mean."

"I don't!"

"You do."

Althea gave up, "Why do you read my mind, sir? Is that even allowed?"

"It's not not allowed. And I wanted to know how an idiot's mind function." he said, as an annoying smirk appeared on his lips.

Althea couldn't help but feel a little offended. Then a new curiosity awakened inside her. She wanted to know if her mind really worked differently than others. Now that she is thing of it, she actually doesn't even know how a mind functions in the first place.

"And how did you find my mind?"

Ahh, this insecure girl... she is trying to find something special about herself, eventhough she shouldn't need anyone's words of affirmation.

Ton Riddle leaned his head backwards, still keeping his eyes on her intently. It seems, he didn't expect this question. "It's all over the place." he sighed, as if getting into her mind tired him. He started to walk towards her, "You have some issues," he poked his index finger on her forehead, "right there."

Althea pouted, "Can it be fixed?"

"No" he said indifferently.

"Is it out of your power?" she asked genuinely.

Tom Riddle looked offended. "Of course not! How dare you question my power?!", his voice had only a little more volume than before but he was looking at her like he wanted to avada kedavra her.

"But you said-"

"Forget what I said!" he demanded, "There's nothing out of my power!"

She didn't want to provoke him anymore than she already did. In fact, Althea wanted to get away from him as fast as she can.

She was already close to the office's door. And unconsciously, she was slowly reaching for the door knob.

Professor stopped with his complains immediately after he saw her hand reaching the door knob. He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You may leave now.", he said, as he waved his hand recklessly, gesturing her to go.

Althea got out of the room as fast as she can. She gasped for air as she closed the door behind her. Not only she forgot how to breath, it was also like her heart stopped beating back there.

Her friends were giving her questioning looks from their desks across the classroom.

She went back to her seat as Agnes asked her about what happened. Althea said that she will tell them about it after the detention.

She kept on writing the sentence over and over again, like she was supposed to. Time was passing too slow especially because she was feeling anxious about Professor Riddle getting out of his office and taking his seat right across her.

She really wanted to run away as fast as she can at that moment. Or at least get invisible.

Even thinking about Professor Riddle was giving aches in her stomach.

Suddenly, she heard a sound coming from the door and she lifted her gaze to see the knob slowly turning and the door opening as her whole body strained.

Professor Riddle took only few steps forward, not getting down from the little balcony. It was shuddery to hear his sharp yet silky voice again, "Your detention is now over. Go directly to your dorms. You know there will be consequences, if you do not do so."

Althea was quite pleased to hear that it was time to leave. She and her friends quickly packed their stuff and took off.

On their way to the Hufflepuff dorms, Althea lied to her friends about what happened. She said that she talked with Professor Riddle privately because she asked for extra tuition and then in his office he refused her request.

Her friends looked convinced, since she could actually use some extra tuition.


Tom Riddle's office:

and him leaning on his desk:

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and him leaning on his desk:

and him leaning on his desk:

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