wrong cake lol

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Team rwby was sitting in front of a big birthday cake for some reason honestly i don't know why.

Ruby: Mmmmm cake.

Weiss: Touch it and you die cunt.

Weiss stared ruby down while holding her sweet iconic dark matter desert eagle with a glint of anger in her eyes.

Yang was staring at the wall while eating chalk like a normal person.

Blake: Why is the cake shaking?.

Everyone look at the cake as it was shaking violently.

Yang: Haha the cake is alive.

Suddenly a unknown man (aka you) bursts from the cake wielding a strange gun.


You begin to wildly fire your flatline into the roof of the dormroom scaring the shit outta team rwby only stopping once your mag runs dry.

Team rwby: Oh god!

Y/n: Wait a minute this isn't mirages bar nor are any of you mirage where the fuck am i?.

you say while reloading your flatline.

Weiss: Wait i can explain!.

Without missing a beat you open fire upon team rwby without a care causing a chain of events to set into motion.

(doin your mom doin doin your mom)

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