E// Yandere! Piggy characters x GN! Reader

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A/n: guys this is probably one of the last one shots of this book. (im a ✨s i m p✨)  just saying. Ima make another book and probably complete this on Saturday. I might make another book of this but I'm not sure. Please Enjoy ☺️ (reader not a girl. They have a bf [ik i could have done g/n {girlfriend name} but still])

Your pov:

I was going to look for b/n and bf/n (brother name: b/n. Boyfriend name: bf/n) but I couldn't find them so I went to go to the (place you wanna go).

A: tsp

B: station

C: house

D: outpost

E: mall

A: I went to go ask the other members at the tsp where bf/n and b/n are. (your one of the members) I saw tigery guarding the refinery. (Yes y'all are still at the refinery) "Hey tigery! Have you seen bf/n and b/n? I asked. "N-no n/n I haven't seen bf/n and b/n!" Tigery said nervously. "Okay, well if you see them, please tell me." I said then walked away.

B: I went to the station to ask one of the police if they have seen bf/n and b/n. I found pink poley. "Good day sir! Have you seen bf/n and b/n?" I asked sweetly. "O-oh hello y/n! And i-I'm sorry darling, I haven't seen them." He said. "That's ok! I'm gonna go look for them!" I beamed then kissed his cheek. His eyes turned into bigger hearts and he passed out. I looked down at him. "Welp." I said then walked away still trying to find those guys.

C: I went to house to ask my friend if she had seen those two. I knocked on the door. It opened to and I saw a VERY happy penny. "Hello n/n! Ya need anything?" She beamed. I sighed. "Penny have you seen (ya know who)?" I asked. She shook her head "Sorry y/n, haven't seen them but have you taken your pills and got any sleep?" She asked frowning. "N-no... sorry if I worried you penny, I promise I will next time." I said tugging my black jacket. Penny sighed then pulled me into a hug. "You say that every time I ask you and you never keep that promise..." she said. "I'm sorry!" I say crying into her neck. What I didn't know, was she had a crazy look on her face.

D: I went to go find torcher and see if he knew where bf/n and b/n were. "There he is! I've been looking for him >:(" I ran to torcher then I flicked his head. (Yes you are tall-) "Ow!" He hissed. He just so happened to have his mask off. "The frick was that for m/n!" (Mispronounced name) "First of all, my name is Y/n!" Second of all, where the h*ll is bf/n and b/n?!" I yelled. "O-oh i uh- I don't know" he said nervously. I slapped his head. "Dont be such a wuss torcher! >:/" then i left and went to go bicker with the soldiers. "God..." torcher said to himself.

E: I went to good old mall to go ask robby if he has seen those two. I then opened the door and then a pain shot through my leg. "Greaaaat" i said in usual monotone voice and fell. "F you mouse." I said then flipped the mouse off. She 'hmpt' then ran away. Robby came. "Y/n... you okay?" He asked. "Just fineeeee" I said sarcastically. "You don't look okay." He said coldly. "Well anyway, do you know where bf/n and b/n are?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Okay then ill stay on the floor..."

Next part on vol. 2 <3

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