Happy Days Part 33

Start from the beginning

When Seon-jae re-entered the green room, the assembly - which included other international musicians who had yet to play, as well as those who had preceded him - burst into modest applause to mark what had been a stellar performance.  He smiled in acknowledgement of their appreciation and walked to where Hye-won sat, unsure that her legs would support her, at that moment.  He quietly stood beside her and laid a hand on her shoulder, smiling into her eyes, as she gazed up at him unable to speak for emotion and all was right with his world and with hers.


Such a momentous triumph could not pass un-marked and indeed, a drinks reception was provided so that patrons could meet the artists - or as Dieter put it: 'it's a little perk for all the support they provide'

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Such a momentous triumph could not pass un-marked and indeed, a drinks reception was provided so that patrons could meet the artists - or as Dieter put it: 'it's a little perk for all the support they provide'.  

Seon-jae hadn't wanted to attend but Hye-won whispered: '10 minutes, love, anyone can stand anything for 10 minutes,' and indeed, it was quite painless, with the grandees seeming cowed by this handsome genius and - bar a warm clap when the artists entered - the reception was a tame affair and the company were able to leave before Seon-jae felt too restricted.

The rest of the day was their own and they had separated to pursue some of their own interests - Ciara sneaking away to an assignation, presumably with her new-found friend - and Dieter and In-seo having arranged to meet some old friends, whom Dieter affectionately called the OGs - Original Gangsters.  Seon-jae had jokingly asked if Hye-won would mind if he spent some time rehearsing: 'it might only be 10 minutes but it's 10 Liszt minutes,' and she had laughed and then lightly thumped his shoulder that he should even think he needed to explain.  

She had enjoyed the hotel pool and sauna and when he returned from the rehearsal rooms, they used their free time for another wander in the park where they had played the previous night, where - lying her head comfortably in the nook of Seon-jae's shoulder - she took a snooze under the shade of a tree, waking feeling refreshed and ready for a fun evening.

And so they had ended up in this quirky steel venue, transformed from sea-going vessel to land-locked restaurant, with cosy decor and friendly wait-staff, though this was not Dieter's motivation for bringing them here.  He had told them there was a long-standing and well-loved weekly jazz session - hosted by the house band - at which audience members who wished could perform their party pieces.  

The atmosphere was lively as the group enjoyed a meal together, joined by Ciara's new friend, Elke - a politics student - who seemed quite smitten with Ciara's charms.  Seon-jae sat with his arm along the seat behind Hye-won and his gaze never moved far from her.  And with good reason, as she looked as pretty as he could ever remember seeing her, wearing a figure-skimming mid-green dress in smooth satin with thin shoulder straps that showed her porcelain skin and lots of it.  He was probably unaware of it but, in a mint-green shirt, skinny tie and beige summer blazer, he had the look of a famous actor or singer on some personal R&R time with friends and the frequency with which other customers were sneaking peeks at the group confirmed this.  He, though, saw no-one but his girl, letting his eye skim along her slim frame, shown to perfection in the sleek draping of the dress.  Her eyes were shining and the slick of eye-liner she had drawn for the pure drama of it was both sexy and sweet at once and his smile told her so every moment.

Hye-jae:  Book 2 - New LovesWhere stories live. Discover now