The Secret Human: Izayza Orihara- Durarara!!

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A light drizzle started in the city of Ikebukuro. 
A dark figure stood at the edge of a tall building. 
Little did the person know that a blonde haired girl approached.
The girl hesitantly tapped the persons shoulder.
The figure motioned for them to leave, impatiently waving a hand. 
The girl looked alittle shocked.
"Give me five more minutes..... I'm busy human."

For at that time, (Y/n) was walking below, not knowing she was being watched.....


After another appointment with another girl...
I went back to the edge. 
Usually, I wouldn't dare to stay there for that long, but I couldn't take my eyes away from her.
This frustrated me. 
I want to touch her.
To hold her.
Comfort her.
Tell her I... no.. I can't say it.
Wait.. she's leaving again.
I pounced of the ledge and flew to the stairs and went down..

I got to the pavement and followed her softly, watching her every move as she walked along.
My breath hitched slightly as she rounded a corner and as gone
I ran to the end of the alley to see that she had fallen, onto the ground, her breath coming in short.
I knelt and picked her up and laid across my lap gently.
Her eyes were closed...

"(Y/n)! Wake up!" I said, angrily 
Was she faking?
What nerve.
(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open.
"W-What? Who are you?"
"I am your lover." I purred, leaning down to say that in her ear.
"What?" She squealed, struggling to get out my arms.
But I was stronger.
I pinned her down on the ground instead and hovered over her.

(Your POV)

"And your lovers name is..."
He brushed a strand of hair away from my face as he creepily smirked at me.
"Izaya Orihara"

My eyes widened and I squeaked as Izaya started to kiss my neck and bite harshly.
"S-Stop it!" I yelled , trying to push him away.
"Oh no... Your never going out of my sight ever again! Your mine!" Izaya chuckled, dragging his sharp knife across my ankles.
" Now don't try to escape, or I'l cut you more deeply..."

A cold laugh echoed thru the alley.... as the light faded......

Authors note: Hi!
Here's my first oneshot!

I have a few Yandere stories..

If you want a longer oneshot, go to my story: The Secret Human [Izaya Orihara Yandere! X Reader]

                                                           The Secret Human [Izaya Orihara Yandere! X Reader]
                                                           Breathless or a Nasty Scar- [Lelouch Yandere! X Reader]

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