Chapter XXXIII

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She said, I was seven and you were nine
I looked at you like the stars that shine
In the sky, the pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
Growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled
And rolled their eyes and said oh my my my

- Mary's song, Taylor Swift -

- Mary's song, Taylor Swift -

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The mansion, week one

The teens had entered the mansion carefully, only to find it abandoned. Lloyd and Lysander had convinced them all to stay and sleep here.

Roxanne had quickly chosen a room, the one situated next to Lloyd's. The walls were covered in a faded pink wallpaper with some sort of floral design. She didn't really care for it much, but she did like the double bed that stood in the middle of the room.

After this, The teens had discussed who would do what during their stay. Lloyd and she had been tasked with searching the grounds of the mansion, sounded easy enough.

The first few days went by without much new revelations. Except Saoirse and Lorcan finding out that the house had belonged to a young engaged couple. Roxanne didn't dare think of the mysterious circumstances under which the couple had abandoned the home.

They were now about five days into the first week. Diane and Lysander doing their best to search ever corner of the huge mansion.

Meanwhile, Lloyd and her went on their daily stroll through the garden. The grounds of the castle were divided into three parts. They'd been searching every corner of the left part for the last week, but to no avail.

'The middle part today, I suppose?' Lloyd asked, standing next to Roxanne.

'Sure.' She said before starting to walk down the overgrown path.

'I thought everything would be a bit more adventurous.' Lloyd sighed.

'Is running away from school and gathering information on your vampire teacher not adventurous enough for you?' Roxanne countered, teasing him.

'Well, when you put it like that.' He smiled.

They spend the most part of the day looking around, trying to search for something mysterious. Roxanne'd come to find it was extremely difficult to search for something you knew nothing about. What were even the chances of finding some big piece of information out in the gardens.

When the evening neared, it started raining heavily.

'Should we go back to the mansion?' Roxanne drawled, holding her jacket over her head since it didn't have a hood.

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