Danganronpa x College (I just had to do this lol)

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Don't worry I'll do other stuff mentioned in the list but for now I had the vibe for this one soooo here we gooooo . I did this for my fav Danganronpa from 1 to v3  characters 

Kokichi Ouma 

Studies : Maths/ IT ( bc it is canon he is into playing games(and games are basically math) and he's smart, I would not be surprised if he actually got to MIT or something lol)

Accomodation: Lives in the dormitory likewise the most of ppl 

Shares his dorm apartment with Rantaro and Nagito ( who btw is obsessed with energy drinks and alcohol, and so is Kokichi , bc they love despair, ah and Btw Nagito studies medicine, but more on him will be later xD ) 

His studying 

He usually spends most of his studying time in front  the computer screen trying to fix the compilation errors and getting pissed at himself for making typos, which sometimes brings him to the verge of madness and makes him throw random objects he finds nearby, also solving physics problems is his go-to studying thing as well as hands-on experiments and making classes more entertaining by deliberately fucking up the whole experiment and making explosions happen xD



He is the type od college kid, who would steal weird stuff, like shopping cart from your chain grocery store, then trim it so it looks like a seat and then would use that cart to play with his friends at 2 AM just for the sake of entertainment. Also he'd have enough guts to actually steal traffic signs announcing the name of a village, he'd go to and cinema posters, just to decorate the plain walls of the dorm room walls xD

Other examples include  these (see pics below), btw they are from my actual dorm lol xD :

Other examples include  these (see pics below), btw they are from my actual dorm lol xD :

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Translation from Polish :   

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Translation from Polish :   


for neurologically and mentally ill 

I imagine him actually stealing that type of thing and just place it over the entrance of his dorm xD

Fav alcohol: Grape beer/ wine/ grape vodka, but also his fav tea with doubled intensity  + ice cubes + grape syrup + grape flavoured vodka- he calls this combo the ultimate iced tea 

Professor's opinions on him: Usually confused bc he always comes up with non-default problems 

They are especially worried about his reckless nature and have anxiety a the thought of having a class with him

They say he is a smart student with a great deal of potential , but lazy and think that he could have been soo much more if he actually tried .

Shuichi Saihara 

Studies: Either physics or cryminology 

Accomodation: The same dorm in which Kokichi lives in , but a different room though

Roomies: Keebo and Kaito

Fav alcohol: just come neat craft beer giving you the gold like colour an yeasty- jelly like texture  of blue wine or sth 

Kaede Akamatsu

Studies: Music(Duh!)

Accomodation: Renting a flat together with her flatmates 

Her flatmates: Tsumugi and Maki  

Fav alcohol: Flavoured beer/ vodka

Nagito Komaeda 

Studies: Medicine  

Junko Enoshima:

Studies : IT / Automation and robotics idk which one would suit her better 

Accomodation : Dorm room with Tsumugi and Miu

Fav alcohol : Pure vodka or some sort of sophisticated sweet milky vanilla strawberry shake like drink wth cherries and stuff, you know the drill, right ? :) ah and also pink sweet sparkling wine garnished with strawberries 


Studies : Nursing, obviously 

Fav alcohol: Jagermeister (well DUH shes a nurse and Jagermeister tastes of herbs so it;s kindof like a medicine xD) 

TBC,  too overloaded to write anything else as of now if interested share your suggestions in the comments 

Tsumugi Shirogane

Studies: Design (bc, she's a cosplayer, duh!)

Accomodation:  dorm room  

Fav alcohol: Sparkling white sweet wine  

Roomies: Miu Iruma and Junko Enoshima

Miu Iruma

Studies: Technical physics (She's an engineer, duh! what did you expect lol? french fries xDDDDDD), btw Bc maths /IT have shared physics lab, she is in the group with Kokichi Ouma and she and Shuichi are usually the ones to do all the work for him bc Kokichi's too preoccupied doing his own "experimentation stuff". 

Accomodation: Like previously mentioned shares her accommodation with Miu and Tsumugi 

Kaito Momota 

Studies: Physics and Astronomy (duh!), how he manages to make it through the classes with his level of intellect is still a mystery lol 

Fav alcohol: Pretty much anything just to get drunk as fast as he can 

Post curricular activities: He is the leader of the all sports teams in the college bc he is an astronaut and needs to be fit lol

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