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A/N: hi guys, thanks for reading my story :) I just wanted to say that until the third task Ava is only going to be involved with Cedric. But don't worry after his death, Ava and Fred's relationship is gonna take a big turn.
This is all small chapter before the third task but I promise it gets better after.

As she was about to go in her room and rest, Fred grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"What do you want ?" she sighed.

"Look can we just please talk about this," protested Fred.

"Okay," she said crossing her arms over chest.

"Okay, what ?"

"Talk, but make it quick."

"I'm really sorry for what I called you, I didn't mean it, I was just very overwhelmed, and probably a bit drunk. I'd never in my right mind think you're a slut. I'm truly sorry Av."

"That's it ?" she asked. " What about the fact that you kissed me after I slapped you."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that too. I was drunk and it was a mistake," he muttered.

"Right, a mistake," she huffed, " and to be perfectly clear, being drunk is no excuse for your pathetic behaviour" she said before turning around and slamming the door in his face.

She slid onto the floor as soon as he was out of sight and couldn't hold in the tears anymore. A mistake, that's all it was for him. Those words keep ringing in her ears. A mistake. Ava was just a fucking mistake, like every other girl she kissed. He had made it perfectly clear that he didn't like her at all, she was just a friend to him. It really hurt, she didn't realise she liked him that much. She thought that she had been able to not catch any feelings, but her tear-stained cheeks were telling another story. She couldn't lose him thought, he was first and foremost one of her closest friends. She would just have to sit and watch him fall in love with another girl, not being able to say anything.

She thought she wouldn't be able to sleep that night. But apparently, the day was so full of events that as soon as her head hit her pillow, she fell into a dreamless sleep.


As they entered March the weather became drier, but cruel winds skinned their hands and faces every time they went out onto the grounds. Ava and Fred were back to normal now, he was still his flirty self around her but she told herself that what just how he was with everyone. She spent a lot of time with Cedric, cuddling and talking after hours, they snogged a couple of times in the Prefect's bathroom but still didn't want to label their relationship, they were just two teenagers having fun and enjoying each other's company. They weren't even exclusive and neither of them was jealous when the opposite sex flirted.

It was currently Sunday evening and they were all chilling in the common room. Some muggle music was playing from Hermione's radio and they were all chattering. Ava was sitting on the couch and had her legs over Ron and Harry's lap whilst she was braiding Hermione's hair who was sitting in front of her. Fred and George were doing some business for their shop and Dean and Seamus were playing wizard's chess.

"So, how's it going with Krum 'Mione," asked Ava, loud enough so Ron could hear. She loved seeing his jealous face every time she brought up Victor.

" Well, he wants me to visit him this summer." Hermione blushed scarlet as she said this and determinedly avoided Ron's eyes.

"Really ?" exclaimed Ava.

"He asked me right after he'd pulled me out of the lake," Hermione muttered. "After he'd got rid of his shark's head. Madam Pomfrey gave us both blankets and then he sort of pulled me away from the judges so they wouldn't hear, and he said if I wasn't doing anything over the summer, would I like to —"

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