"Excuse me.", I said politely and slowly walked over to her. She paused for a moment and looked at me without any expression. "Can I borrow your toy?", I audaciously asked while pointing at her toy.

"No.", she immediately answered.

"Just for a minute. I promise I won't break it.", I pleaded while holding my right hand raised close with my shoulder. She turned her back on me and walked away.

"I'll give you some chocolates in return, just please let me borrow it. Just once.", I said while I was following her. I offered her everything I could, but she turned everything down. She just wasn't the kind of person who gets easily swayed.

"Tell me what you want. I'll give you everything you want in exchange for that toy.", I said impatiently. That's when she finally looked at me.

"Get lost.", she answered with a very serious tone. She was getting on my nerves. I couldn't stand it anymore so I quickly grabbed her toy. I tried running away with the toy but she was holding the other side of the toy really tight. She looked at me with so much anger. She pulled the toy with so much force, I had no choice but to let go. The toy hit her so hard that her nose started bleeding. She panicked when she saw the blood from her nose and I panicked when she started to cry. Both of us didn't know what to do and I was afraid of what both her parents and mine would do, I started to cry with her too. People from the park started staring at us weirdly as we both bawled our eyes out. After too much weeping, our parents came. They told us to stop fighting and instead start being friends, we fought every day after that. Little did we know that it would be beginning of our friendship and the beginning of our nonstop bickering.

I've been friends with this weirdo for a very long time now, I'm not even sure why I'm still friends with her. Everything was normal about us, except for one thing—my ability to see dead people. Minjoo is the only person who knows about this dark secret. They weren't just eerie sensations, flickering or wisps of light caught on cameras. These ghosts appear on variety of ways—loud knocking sounds, slamming doors, lights turning on and off, objects moving, spooky footsteps, cold breeze, a rotten smell, sounds of weeping, a woman whispering, laughing and making bizarre noises. I'd usually see them roaming around at night on the streets, school halls, houses and graveyards. I've seen so many of them and believing that they don't exist keeps me safe. I've been carrying this secret for many years, and this secret is better hidden behind the doors.

"Don't forget that we're watching a movie next week.", she tried to remind me.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that? Don't you dare ditch me like you did last time.", I said, a serious expression on my face.

"I won't. I promise, okay?" She looked at me with fear in her eyes and said before taking her bag. I continued to look at her like I didn't believe her but smiled when she rolled her eyes before glaring at me, clearly getting annoyed as I kept reminding her of her mistake for the hundredth time already. She then finally left my room and shut the door.

"And don't forget to bring diapers next week, you peed your pants the last time we watched a horror movie, scaredy-cat.", I shouted jokingly through the door. She came back through the door just to glare at me again and slam the door as she left again. I laughed at her childishness, despite acting like a mother when she sees my dirty room, she was as immature and weird as I was.

I set down the bag of chips and closed the TV, despite every part of my body not wanting to, I had to. It's time for me to study for the exams that would determine what school I'd be going to. I prepared everything carefully on my desk, especially my brain as I had to face the terror of studying Chemistry. After setting all the important books on my desk and carefully arranging the pens I bought and others I stole from Minjoo, I sat down and started answering some practice questions. I fell asleep 5 minutes after.

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