The feeling of bliss woke me up as Angie was under our sheets gently kissing my pussy. Her lips were nibbling on my lips while I attempted to fully wake but my eyes shut as I enjoyed the work Angie was doing under the sheets “Angie” I moaned softly and her hand caressed my breasts as if that was the only greeting that mattered. Her gentle sucking drove me insane and soon enough my whole body released in her mouth and shivers attacked me.
Angie popped out of the sheets as soon as she finished cleaning my secretions “Good morning baby” she said merrily. “Good morning” I said while Angie positioned herself in my slightly weak arms.

“How are you today?” she asked

“I woke up with a goddess under my sheets so I am pretty great and how are you?” I said

“I was under the sheets of the most amazing cherub so I am elated to say the least” she chuckled.

“You are the most amazing” I said.

“We do this every morning and I don’t think I will ever get worn-out of this” Angie said

“Me neither but one of these days we would have to actually get out of bed” I said. Ever since the house got remodelled, we haven't done anything but have sex, eat, shower and repeat.

“Why would we leave this paradise?” she asked

“Well, we have some grocery shopping to do, this house needs cleaning and we can do anything that isn’t a chore if you want to” I said

“Well, maybe we can do grocery shopping today, clean the house tomorrow and then we can decide on a hobby while grocery shopping” Angie suggested

“That sounds like a plan but how about we get cleaned up, eat because I am hungry and then we can go to the market or mall” I said

“Okay but before we do that, we need to talk about yesterday” Angie said and I found myself dumbfounded “What about it?” I asked.

“You called me mom during sex” Angie said and my memory started coming back. I had called her mom but it was unintentional.

“Oh...” that is all I could utter

“What was that about?” she asked

“I don’t know, it was a mistake” I confessed

“Are you sure?” she asked one more time

“Honestly, I do not know how it slipped out because the thought of my mother during sex didn’t pop but I guess I unconsciously called you mom because I had mommy issues before” I said

“What do you think triggered it?” she asked

“I think it was that feeling of submission, growing up I had always wanted to be perfect for my mother simply because she was perfect in the eyes of everyone else so I did everything she wanted me to do” I said

“That is not it” she said

“What do you mean?” I asked

“Well, maybe that is part of the truth but you have been through a lot and the person who made your life easier was your mother simply because she ensured that your life was in order so when she left, you missed that life of instruction so you had to adapt to finally making your own rules so me being somewhat dominant made you unconsciously miss her... well, not her but her...” she paused as she searched for the correct word. “Sense of order” I said finishing her sentence and she nodded.

“Yes but I just want you to know that I understand” she said

“You do?” I asked.

“Yes. Back in the days when I was still married, I had no control over my life so I would try to find it elsewhere. Some things are psychological and the only way we can fix it is by talking about it” she advised

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