I made my way back into the car with my security guard by my side as we only got mobbed by a minimal amount of fans and paparazzi. As soon as we reached to my hotel in New York City I just started to pack every single thing I bought and I made my way to bed hoping to not feel sick so I could travel the next day to the UK to meet Zayn so my plane could pick him up and we could meet Harry, Niall and Louis in Australia later on.

As I went to bed, I made sure to use all of my emergency medicine on myself just in case. You never knew what would happen or how sick I might begin to get. I wasn’t even sure if any of her germs touched me. But I knew that I was not fully safe because I hugged her, and she must have had some germs lingering on her that I caught.


I woke up the next morning, but instead of waking up to bright sunshine I woke up by a tickling sensation in the back of my nose. I knew what was going to happen, but I wasn’t prepared. I had no tissues around me to catch the germs that were about to fly out of my nose.

“Achoo! A- achoo!”

I was hoping no one in my hotel room heard me, but I was mistaken. My bodyguard who was sleeping in a room next to me that was in my hotel suite knocked on my door lightly just to check if I was alright.

“Liam?” he asked.

“I’m ok, sorry *sniff* about that!”

“Ok then. Get ready soon you have your plane to catch in a few hours.”

“Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder.”

As soon as I spoke, I realized that my voice sounded a bit sore, almost like it was being lost. I coughed at the end and tried to clear my throat, but that didn’t work. I just ended up in a coughing fit that made my throat feel even more dry as hell. I didn’t even have any water with me so that was annoying and my throat was calming down anytime soon.

“Liam? You ok?” my security guard asked again from outside the door.

“Yeah *cough cough* sorry!” I tried to say coughing in the middle.

I never really realized what had happened to me. It was just now becoming noticeable. When I tried to softly sing to see at which state of loss my voice was at, I couldn’t hit some notes and my throat dried out almost causing me to have another cough attack. I really didn’t know what today would be like and how bad this illness would progress, but I can just say that I was determined for mass destruction.

“Liam are you ready? We gotta go!” my security guard shouted from the living room of my hotel suite.

“Yeah, i’m ready!” I said shouting. Now that hurt my throat. I let out another little cough in order to clear my throat of whatever was blocking it again, but this turned into a full on coughing fit because I hadn’t drank water the first time.

“You ok? Here drink some water.” my security guard said handing me the water.

“Thanks.” I said sniffling a bit.

After about 5 minutes, me and my security guard left and we made our way to the airport in New York City to a plane to the UK so we could pick up Zayn. While I was getting ready in my hotel room for the airport I felt ok. Not perfect, but at least I wasn’t feeling like absolute shit yet. When I reached the airport to get on the plane, that’s when I felt miserable and I had to try and hide the fact that my voice was no longer producing much sound. But people picked up on it anyways. The way I coughed just after saying a sentence; sometimes nothing in fact, with my runny nose and soft sneezes just confirmed how horrid I felt. I didn’t have a fever yet, but I had a feeling that was soon to come too. Right now all I had to worry about was getting some shut eye on the plane or else i’d feel even worse than how I looked, which was pretty bad by the way.

I knew Zayn would be coming on the plane soon, but I mean I was just getting so bored and I had no one to talk to so I just had a tiny conversation with Paul our tour manager on the plane. To be honest, I didn’t come up to him. He came up to me and I knew exactly why.

“Hey Liam.” Paul said coming over to me.

“Hello Paul. Ready for touring with us?” I asked getting in the mood for the tour. I couldn’t wait to see the rest of the lads. I just hoped I wouldn’t make them sick.

“Yeah, very excited to see what this tour has in store for us.” he said.

I was going to continue the conversation but all of a sudden I felt another tickle in the back of my nose again, but it just wasn’t in my nose. It was coming from my throat too. It was pretty silent between me and Paul right now and I didn’t want to be too loud, but I had to cough and I knew this would be a loud one from all the pressure that had builded up in there from speaking.

“So…” Paul said trying to continue the conversation.

He looked at me making eye contact again because he was trying to finish the conversation hoping that I would join in because things were pretty awkward right now as I didn’t continue, but I quickly put my index finger up signaling for him to wait a second and while I let out those dry coughs that were irritating my throat and were preventing me to speak.

“Got a little bug haven't you?” Paul said handing me a tissue. He could see the pre sneeze expression on my face that I was trying to make less noticeable, but it wasn’t working.

He handed me a tissue and I sneezed in it  about two times. By the time I said thanks to him, my throat was feeling sore and I sounded quite hoarse. I knew that it would only be best if I didn't speak, so for now I was able to drift off comfortably while I tried to sleep of whatever I had caught.

Authors Note:

I'm glad I posted the first part tonight, the next few parts might take a couploe extra days to get posted. I'm just kinda busy with a couploe things from school but after i'm done I will get back to posting the rest of this book. Only about 4 more days till the next chapter!

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