Ch. 3

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Niall’s POV

It was now time where I was flying to Australia with Harry and Louis in order to meet Zayn and Liam in the hotel. I couldn’t wait to see them, it had been so long. While I was thinking of them I could just imagine how much fun Zayn and Liam were probably having. They were probably in their hotel room drinking beers laughing and playing to Fifa 15.

Currently, on the plane me Haz and Louis were playing the game UNO while having a quick chat about what we would expect for the tour. We were about to land in Australia in less than an hour and I was getting so happy. Not to mention Louis and Harry too, were about to have one grand time in our hotel room toasting to our 4th successful tour.

“Were landing soon!” our bodyguard announced to us.

“Thank god, you don’t even know how bored I was getting.” Louis said throwing his UNO cards on our table.

“Thanks Louis.” I said smirking at his remark.

“Oh no, not like that.” he said as we ended up laughing.

We now were in our hotel and were ascending in the elevator to the exact floor where Zayn and Liam were. This time we’d all be sharing on huge huge hotel suite and we were told that there was only one double bed which was in use by Liam and Zayn, but the hotel manager brought in 3 other beds for the rest of us. I had a feeling those beds wouldn’t be as comfortable though.

“Wait, wait wait!” Harry said stopping me and Louis before we entered the hotel room.

“What?” I asked annoyed. I wanted to see my other bandmates!

“We should make a proper entrance.” Harry said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Louis asked confused by what Harry meant.

“When we open the door we gotta yell 1D reunited! Ok?” he said.

“Fine.” me and Louis agreed.

“Ok. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!”


“Reunited again!” Louis yelled walking into the hotel suite.

“Hello?” I asked hearing no one in the room.


“They’re probably sleeping, lazy cunts.” Louis said smirking his way to the closed bedroom door with me and Harry following him.


“Lads! Wake up!” Louis yelled jumping on Zayn and Liam in the hotel bed. And must I say, it looked like great fun. So hell, me and Harry joined with him and jumped on Zayn and Liam as well.


“We missed youu!” Harry yelled shaking Zayn while me and Louis shaked Liam awake.


As soon as Liam’s eyes fluttered open, we were greeted by a round of harsh coughs. Same with Zayn. They were each coughing into their pillows that their heads were on. I had no idea what was going on. This had to be a prank or something.


“Wow, are you guys ok?” Harry asked patting Zayn on the back while I patted Liam. Louis ran to get two cups of water and he was back within seconds.


“Get off.” Zayn whispered in between coughs fanning us away from him. I forgot we were still sitting on their bodies.

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