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It had been a few days of waiting, waiting for Allie to decide what to do with Dewey, and everyone was on edge, no one knew what Allie would decide, no one knew if she would even be able to decide. It had been days.

But no one was on edge like Campbell, over the past week he had barely let Angelica out of his sight, although he would never admit it, he didn't, he couldn't lose her again. Every time he thought about losing her he got angry, sometimes so angry to the point where he had to leave the room. He didn't want to feel like this, but he needed to do something to let go of the anger, and so he sent Angelica over to Becca so that he could have some time alone, he didn't want to hurt her, but he made her take baby with her. 

Since she had left, Zack and Cody hadn't left him alone though, they wouldn't stop barking and whining and leaning against him, and so eventually he snapped, and he killed them. The moment after he did, he felt regret, so much regret, what would Angelica think? He didn't want Angelica to be scared of him, would she leave him? His head filled up with thoughts about what he had done, he couldn't bring the dogs back, and he couldn't tell Angelica. So instead he did what he does best, he lied.

"Hey baby, is that blood?" Angelica walked into the house to see Campbell washing his hands, turning the water red, he shook his head, "no, I've just been painting for work, I've just got back." She nodded her head and set Baby on the floor, "where's Zack and Cody?" 

Campbell shrugged, "upstairs?" Angelica walked towards the stairs and called the dogs, but neither of them came down, "do you think they got out? The backdoor's open." Campbell suggested while pointing to the back door, he had a towel in his hand. She shrugged, a worried look on her face, "they'll turn up." 


A few hours later, the two were cuddling on their bed in Campbell's room, baby was laying down in her bed, no one spoke, the only sounds were coming from the TV which played pre-recorded shows. Having no connection to the rest of the world meant, no new shows, no new movies or music, no anything. 

They were currently watching American Horror Story, one of Angelica's favourites, they were on the season, Asylum. As usual the 'dominique' tune was in the background of the story, Angelica hummed to it slightly, Campbell stared down at her with a small smile, "your so cute." She looked up to him and blushed when they made eye contact, Campbell just laughed, "why so shy little one?" 

She shrugged and cuddled closer to him, "I'm not little." She mumbled against his chest, the girl stared at the TV, and Campbell continued to watch her as she mouthed the same words that the characters spoke.

'She looks terrible, they must have turned up the dosage.' Lana

'Good, she deserves it after all she's done.' Kit

'Then why don't I feel any better?' Lana

Angelica moaned quietly, "ugh, Evan Peters is actually gorgeous." Campbell raised his eyebrows and grabbed her face gently to make her look at him, "oh really? And who's that Princess?" He challenged her, she smiled and bit her lip, he held her tighter, "don't do that." 

Biting her lip again, she gave him innocent eyes, "why not Cam?" 

"You know why, Princess." 

"Does it turn you on? Does it Cam?" She poked him lightly, he let go of her face, and rolled on top of her, using his arms to hold himself above her, careful to not crush her, "princess..." he said in a warning tone as she bit her lip again. Releasing her lip, she went to speak but was stopped when Campbell smashed his lips into hers, she immediately kissed back, she felt safe with him, in this very moment she felt safe and loved, and so that night the two merged into one to the sound of the name game, not that they could hear it anyway.

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