Chapter 15

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~Episode 10~

Things were very weird and, given that Rini was a vampire who lived in a house full of her 6 sadistic brothers, that statement was really saying something.

She stood behind a tree, watching Richter and... Not-Yui... Talking on the balcony. Not-Yui was wearing an old dress, it looked familiar and it looked like something that the real Yui would never wear so it couldn't be her. Not to mention the fact that she was talking to Richter and the two seemed to be very friendly with each other... So yes, things were weird.

She just wished she could hear what they were saying, maybe that would give her a hint as to who was using Yui like their own personal puppet. But instead, she was hidden behind a tree and way too far away to actually hear anything. But it was also dangerous to get any closer because if they saw her then they'd get angry. She didn't want them to get angry because people became scary when they got angry and scary people were never fun to deal with.

She wished Subaru were here with her, he might be able to hear them speaking. Or he'd at least just provide good company. And good cuddles. But no, he'd left to go "Deal with some stuff"- whatever that meant. He'd told her to stay in her room until he came back but she'd waited an hour and he still wasn't there so she just left anyway.

It was a good thing she had left too because otherwise, no one would've been there to stop Richter and Not-Yui if something bad happened. Not that anyone else would have stopped anything bad from happening because they probably wouldn't care unless Rini asked them too but that wasn't the point. The point was that she was here so she could stop something. Even if it made them angry and, as a result, scary...

She glanced back up at the scene and cringed as she spotted Ayato now standing with them, glaring at the pair. This was not gonna end well. She was somewhat grateful that she couldn't hear what they were saying because it didn't look good, Ayato was getting more and more irritated with each word that came out of Not-Yui's mouth.

Things seemed to be looking up when Not-Yui walked away, leaving Ayato and Richter alone. Though things went back downhill when those two kept speaking and Ayato still looked angry.

She really should go and listen... She could hide behind the window and they probably wouldn't notice if she was sneaky about it and she was pretty good at being sneaky...

So, she did just that, hiding behind the stone wall that surrounded the windows so that she was less out in the open.

"So let me get this straight, Cordelia's heart is now inside Pancake?" Ayato asked, growling slightly.

"Wait what?!" Rini blurted out, appearing beside Ayato and staring at Richter in shock.

Sneakiness be damned, Subaru had not mentioned the return of that horrible lady and Rini needed to get to the bottom of this.

"Rini?! What are you doing here? You should be in your room," Ayato said, gaping at his sister.

Richter, however, didn't so much as blink at Rini's appearance.

"So, you finally decided to stop sneaking around. I was wondering how long it would take for you to get bored of hiding behind that tree," He muttered, not even bothering to turn and look at his niece.

Rini cringed, she'd thought she was being so sneaky but apparently he'd known she was there the whole time. Great.

"Did Not-Yui/Cordelia know I was here too?" She asked, her fear obvious in her tone.

"If she did then she didn't say anything about it, though I'm more than happy to tell her if you wish," He said, amused at the fear that flashed across Rini's face.

Diabolik Lovers: The Girl Behind the PetalsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang