|t w e n t y - f i v e|

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The air was cold and moist, making Charlie wake up. His body was unusually warm, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. He let out a grunt as he rolled onto his side, his entire body aching painfully. The room around him was dark, and he had to blink to adjust to the darkness before his eyes landed on the four people standing behind a set of bars.

The Mikaleson's watched as he stumbled up from the ground, walking over to the cellar door before pushing on it, expecting it to open, but it didn't. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at them, confusion on his face. "Why am I locked in here? Where are we?"

Elijah glanced at his siblings, who seemed just as upset as he was before he pursed his lips and stepped forward. "We're in the tomb underneath the church ruins. It's just a precaution, for now, Charles."

Tears filled Charlie's eyes as he shook his head in denial. "No, no," He repeated as he shook the gate vigorously, his fear increasing. "You can't-you can't leave me here, 'Lijah! I can't stay here! Please, don't leave me here!" His eyes fled to the others, pleading. "Kol? Nik? Rebekah, please! Bekah, please don't let them do this!"

Rebekah bit her lip as tears filled her eyes, but she stayed rooted in her spot as she listened to his pleas. It broke her heart as she watched Charlie suffer at the hands of her mother; she couldn't handle watching him suffer. She wanted nothing more than to open the gate and hold him, but she couldn't, not while Ester was still alive.

"Charlie," Klaus called, gaining the boy's attention as he begged. "This is only temporary. When we find Ester, we will reverse what she's done to you, and you can come back home."

Charlie calmed down suddenly, and a grin replaced his teary eyes. "I feel fine, Nik. Whatever Ester did to me, it's gone." His tone was soft, just like it usually was, but his eyes had always been his giveaway. 

"Drop the act, Charles," Elijah said, his voice firm, but there was a sad edge to it. He hated seeing what Ester had done to that boy he had helped nurse back to health.

An icy glare appeared on his face, and he growled, kicking the door, making it rattle loudly. "LET ME OUT!" He roared, his voice carrying through the tunnels loudly as his eyes flashed dangerously.

"I'm afraid you can't get out, Charlie," Kol smirked slightly, trying to keep up his airy and cool facade, but inside, it hurt him to see Charlie like this. He hadn't known the boy for long, but he had grown to enjoy his company.

"I'm sorry, Charlie, but this is for the best," Elijah stated before the four siblings turned to leave.

He screamed and gripped the metal, shaking it angrily. The sound of the banging made Rebekah flinch before he stopped, turning around as he reached up and grabbed his hair. A malicious growl escaped Charlie's throat as he turned back around, his eyes turning red.

"Do you really think this cage will hold me? When I get out of here, I'm going to rip you apart. Who should I start with?" This caused them to pause. "Elijah? The noble Original that saved weak little Charlie Gilbert. Perhaps you, Niklaus? The Original Hybrid that took poor little Charlie under his wing. No, I think I'll start with you, Rebekah. The dumb blonde that fell in love with the idea of perfect little Charlie Gilbert."

Rebekah sniffled and hurried out of the tomb, Kol following soon after, and it was just Elijah and Klaus left alone with Charlie. 

"This was her plan all along," Charlie ground out, clenching his eyes shut as he pressed his head against the bars. "Ester knew Nik would come looking for the doppelganger eventually. She created me twenty-three years ago intending to kill all of you." His words caught their attention, making them turn and look back at him. His hands were shaky as he squatted, holding his head as his body fought against its impulses. "My sole purpose is to kill you; the only way you're going to stop me is if you kill me."

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