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Born as a royal and lives in the castle is definitely the dreams of every Moniyan race. With unique magic skill and tremendous mana, nobody will dare to offend the royal. The royal living a great and easy lives. Well, that's what they said. A fake hope written in a magic scroll handed out to every resident household in Silas. A propaganda made by the queen.

If living as a royal is easy, what is she doing in a training ground away from the royal capital holding a bow and arrow with other teenager boys who train to become soldiers for the queen?

The answer is, she's training to become the queen soldier. Just like what everyone does, train to die for the queen. Why not train with magic you ask? Because the people in Megle village barely have enough mana to cast simple magic, let alone to use magic on war. That's why the villagers training to combat using weapon and hand on hand combat.

To survive and prosper in a land like this, so far from the royal capital, deep in the western desert land you had to be strong. And so, she had but one dream since she leaves the castle, to become stronger so she can protect herself from the queen.

It wasn't always like this. The queen, her mother used to take a 'good care' of her, forbidding her from going outside, forbidden her from cutting her hair, and most importantly, teaching her to not feel sorry for other lives. She must act and behave just like the queen, to be precisely, Eithne is the queen perfect creation. And so, the queen thought. Until when Eithne turned 18, but got zero possession of magic despite the tremendous amount of mana she carrying. The queen went mad, killing countless of people inside and outside the palace before shutting herself inside her room for months, almost a year. Finally, when the queen decides to leave her room, the eerie looking smile that she always wears not there anymore. People finally can breathe freely. But not for her, the first thing the queen did after getting out of seclusion was command Senin to take Eithne away from the castle, and to not return back without an order from the queen. There she gets it. A perfect creation is only perfect when it is perfect. The failed one will be discarded. Just like her, a failed creation.

"Eithne, you're up next" Senin voice calling for her. Cutting her out of all the thinking.

She walks forward slowly. From the corner of her eye, she looks at Senin. Senin give her a subtle nod to encourage her. Her grip tightened on the bow. Slowly she lifts the bow, taking a deep breath, she put the arrow carefully in between the bow. She closed her left eye, to get a better vision. Aiming carefully for the target, she pulls the arrow and release the arrow. It hit the bull's eye. She pulls another arrow and another one and another one and keep hitting the bull's eye until her quiver empty.

"Excellent!" Senin clap his hand hard. A proud looking smile wears on his face.

Eithne bow her head a bit to shows respect for Senin.

"Boys, take a good look at Eithne skills and try to learn from her." Immediately after, all eyes on her.

Eithne pulls her hood more down to cover her face, she doesn't like all the attention.

"Senin, I have finished all the courses for today. May I excuse myself?" Eithne ask in a low but respectful voice, after all Senin is the one who take care of her in these few years while she's away from the castle.

Senin stop smiling, nod knowingly.

"Yes, you may go. Make sure to be back before dinner."

Eithne bow once again to senin and the other teenagers in the hunting ground. Before walking leaving the training ground. Heading to the horse stable.

"Edèn! Hey Edèn! Wait" a young voice thick with Rinduga accent calling her name.

Eithne sigh. She knows who is the owner of the voice. She quickens her steps. A big hand grabs her hand forcing her to stop. Eithne turn around annoyed.

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