Chapter 1

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"No," Dad spoke firmly , " You are never allowed on that quest; it's too dangerous".

"But, dad you said I could go when I was a novice and you said that it would be a good idea to 'get some closure' "I spat, "she's not dead I know it."

His face softened " Honey, she was taken years ago. It's impossible she's still alive, now go to sleep. In the morning we can think of a safer, better quest, okay?"

" Okay, night," I mumbled, sully walking up the forlorn steps. As I dragged my feet up the stairs, a thought occurred to me, 'you know what? It doesn't matter. I'm going to go whether he wants me to or not.' So when he finally went to bed, stayed awake . waiting until the sun would rise. When night sky began to illuminate, my plan rolled into motion. I crept out of bed and quietly got changed.

 I reached to the top of my dresser, picking up two purple hair clips. As memories flooded my mind, I fondly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, carefully pining it back. I stuffed my spare clothes into a small, but extendable, bag. Slowly creeping downstairs, I packed some rations and slipped on my sandals. Lastly, I grabbed a map and shoved it into my backpack. I made one last sweep around the house, double checking if I needed anything before my eyes landed on a piece of paper left out on the kitchen counter. 

Pen in hand, I wrote what may be my final words to my father, signing my name at the bottom. I placed the note on the table, flung open the door, and sprinted towards the ocean. When I reached the water, I grabbed the scrolls from my hiding place behind a rock and gently set them in my bag. I remember the last thing that I learned, a transportation spell, but it was extremely difficult to do. You have to have perfect focus and if you lose it then, well you'll drown. 

Despite this, I kept calm as I performed movements in the cool, crisp water. This is the fastest way to get where I need to go. I have to do this. I feel my energy growing. That was until I heard a barking voice from the shore. My concentration snapped like a twig. The magnetic pull of the earth drags me down into the water. 'great'. 


I was always fascinated with other parts of the world. All different cultures with all different views on life. I wish I was able to go see all the different nations that populated the earth. But I can't. Not with my family at least. We didn't have many rules but I think that just adds emphasis on the ones we do have. And one of those rules just so happens to be no traveling. I have no idea why though. Mom and dad travel for work all the time. I sometimes lay awake at night trying to come up with an answer myself but I always just end up stressing myself out. This was one of those times. It was now almost six in the morning. I barely got any sleep last night. Everything was dark and foggy. In a desperate attempt to clear my head, I decided it would be a good idea to take a walk along the beach.

I got dressed in my cropped red halter neck top, rolled up brown shorts, and my strap-up leather sandals. I threw on my satchel and stuffed it with my keys, wallet, and my tantalum carbide knuckles. 'Just in case' I thought to myself.

I crept out of my bedroom/basement and quietly opened the front door.

Walking along the sand, I took note of all the cool little shells that were scattered across the beach. I gazed upon all the little trinkets when something particularly shiny caught my eye. As I approached the water to get a closer look, I realized something strange farther out in the water. It wasn't a particular thing but, it was more the water itself. It stretched and bent in strange, unnatural ways.

'I don't think water is supposed to move like that.'

I looked closer and deeper into the sea. 'It looks like the movements get stronger around here...' As I went deeper and deeper into the water, I was able to make out a small human figure standing on top of the water, which is now at my waist. It looked like a girl, around my age, she was waving her hands and arms around in patterns making the water around her move. 'Oh, my gods she has a water spirit.' I felt a spark of excitement spread through my veins. Trying (and failing) to run through the water, I called out to her.

"Hey!" I barked. She stumbled back at my sudden outburst, falling into the water she once stood on with a splash. The excitement turned to worry as I stumbled closer towards her.

"Oh, my gods are you ok?"

Before I could do or say anything else, her head popped out of the water; though somehow, she was still completely dry. Now that I'm closer I began to take note of her appearance. Her hair was the most prominent thing about her. It was beautiful. Long, flowy, and framed her face well. It was strikingly similar to the glistening blue water that surrounded us. An awkward chuckle escaped my lips. "Umm...hey!" I extended my hand to her, "you good? I'm Ash!"

"Um. Hi."

I watched her glance awkwardly at my hand. I slowly retracted it to place it on the back of my neck.

"Sorry about that. You're a water bender right?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she replied. Looking mildly uncomfortable while doing so. Although, she seemed to loosen up a bit. I watched her create a wave of water that she propped herself upon. She extended her arm, creating a sphere of water that hovered over her palm.

"That's so cool!" I extended my arm and did the same. A trail of sparks coiled around my arm, a small ball of fire spawned in the center of my hand. I looked up at her, a large grin plastered on my face.

"I'm a fire bender!" By now she seemed much more relaxed.

"Anyway, whatcha doing out here this early in the morning?" I asked

"Oh, just some training..." She stood up, presumably to continue with what she was doing before.

"This early?"

"You're out here too!" she snapped. I let out a small chuckle,

"That's fair," I told her.

"Whatcha training for?" I continued, curious.

"I want to go on a quest, but they won't let me do that until I get stronger." Her face went cold and serious. 'Who's they?' It made me wonder...

"You seem very passionate about this." I began, "any specific quest you have in mind?" She went quiet. It took a couple of seconds for her to respond.

"Not really..." she said while looking away. It was quite obvious she was lying.

"You sure? Or are you just not comfortable telling a stranger?" I asked. Again, silence. I was once again the one to break it.

"Well, like I said before," I held my hand out towards her, "I'm Ash!" This time she did the same. Arm and hand outstretched towards mine.

"I'm Coral" I think that's the first time I've ever seen her smile. We spent around an hour talking to each other. Sharing stories and experiences. And though it was only an hour, It felt like I'd known her my entire life.

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