54. Diving Deeper

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I reach my room, Ginny and Hermione close behind me. "What's happened?" Ginny asks, wrapping her arms around me.

"Oh, it was horrid. The boys tried to speak with Adrian!" I complain, bringing my hands to my eyes.

"Did they fight again?" Hermione asks, full of fear.

"No, no. They're trying to be friends!  It was just utterly disastrous. It was so awkward." Hermione and Ginny look to each other.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Ginny questions.

"It was too forced. It felt wrong." I know my thoughts might not make sense to them, but they do to me. I didn't want the boys to be fake with each other just for my sake. I didn't want to force them to like each other.

The girls sit with me, comforting me although they do not understand. It takes a few moments before they attempt to speak again. "Was that all that happened?" Hermione questions.

"Well, I reckon not the whole day was horrible." I say, slightly trailing off.

"Go on" She prods, trying to steer the conversation into a more positive tone.

"Well..." I don't know how to say it. "I've told Adrian I would go to his house for our Christmas break."

The room explodes with the girl's screeches of excitement. "You're going to meet his parents?" Hermione asks, her cheeks flushed. I take a deep breath before I nod my head.

"Aren't Slytherins... a little cold?" Ginny asks, apprehension clear in her voice. "I mean, I just don't want you to expect my mum."

"Adrian's told me to expect formality... in fact, he bought me a whole new wardrobe to wear when I get to his house." I say, reddening as I explain.

Hermione and Ginny look to each other incredulously. "Well go on, show us!" Hermione says, forcing an upbeat tone. I can tell her and Ginny are trying to fake happiness for me, but there is an underlying glint in their eyes that shows this is disingenuous. I decide to ignore it.

"Erm, I reckon I ran away from the boys before Adrian could hand me the bags." All three of us giggle, and I blush as I realize how brashly I had acted. I know I must explain myself to Adrian, so I grasp at my bracelet to call for him. After a moment, it glows, confirming that Adrian would be on his way. "He's coming now, I better go and find him."

The girls nod and we make our way to the common room; thankfully the boys are nowhere to be seen. My bracelet glows once more, and I bid goodbye to the girls and make my way out of the portrait hole. Adrian waits for me there, his arms crossed.

"Why would you do that Adrian?" I say, my tone teetering between hostility and inquisitiveness.

"What, love? I was only wanting to befriend them. I thought that was something you wanted-"

"I had no idea you were going to do that! You should have told me; none of you were ready for that." I cross my own arms, taking heavy breaths to keep calm. A feeling of regret washes over me as I begin to internalize how I really felt. Perhaps it was I, not the boys, who was not ready for them to converge.

"Don't be daft-" He says, rolling his eyes.

"Do not call me daft." My eyes begin to water; I am completely offended by his words.

He lifts a hand as he takes a step forward, and I instinctively take a step backwards. His hand only goes to his hair, but his expression changes completely when he sees my reaction.

"Mira... I..." He trails off. I didn't know what I had thought, but clearly this has struck a nerve within him. "I would never hurt you. I-I'm sorry. You're right, I should have spoken to you first."

Felix Felicis- A George Weasley and Adrian Pucey Love TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now