Hollie - Stereo Kicks Imagine.

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  • Dedicado a Hollie ♥

"Bye, mom!", I yelled at the same time as I hopped off the truck and closed the door behind me.

"Pick you up at 8!", she waved goodbye.

I waved one last time as I saw her drive down the road in the opposite direction.

"Morning Billy!", I greeted the old man as I entered Black Pines' courtyard.

Black Pines was the Equastrian Center where I went horseback riding every Saturday and every other day I could manage to come.

"Hi, Hollie. You good?", Billy said walking two horses back to their boxes.

I went after him and leaned my body against the door once we got there.

"Should I work with Naya again today?".

"Yeah. But make sure you take Toby if you go out into the fields for a walk", Billy told me as he started grooming the black stallion he'd just been riding.


"I'll ask James to warm him up for you".

I smiled as he said that. My cheeks always went bright pink whenever I thought of or when anyone mentioned him.

"I'm gonna go get started", I said pointing over my back.

"Sure thing, kiddo. See you later!".

I left Billy working and headed towards the stables in which Naya was kept.

"Hi, girl! How are you?", I said greeting her from the other side of the door.

She snorted as she came closer, putting her nose against my extended hand.

"Let me change and we can get started", I patter her and then went to the stables bathroom.

I put on a lavender polo shirt, my beige jockey tights and swung my helmet from my elbow.

When I got back I let Naya out of her box and I led her to the entrance of the stable where there was a small space where I could groom her.

I combed her with a curry comb so as to loosen the dirt and then we were ready. I grabbed a saddle flap, saddle and a bridle with reins attached to them which I put onto her. And after adjusting the girth and stirrups I mounted her.

I led her to the practice area taking care of closing the pedestrian gate behind me.

We walked around the pitch a couple times before we started trotting a little bit.

20 minutes later after having done a couple of warming up exercises I let Naya back inside.

I was combing her with a dandy brush so I could remove all the dirt and loosened hair from her skin when someone came into the stables: James carrying a big bucket of horse food.

"Hey, Hol", he flashed a grin at me as he puffed while putting the bucket down on the floor.

"Hiya, James. What you got there?", I said continuing with what I was doing.

"A mix of oat, hay and grass for the lads", he said palming Naya on the back. "I warmed up Toby for you. Billy told me you needed him. Going out to the fields again?".

"Aw, you shouldn't have! I was gonna do it myself. Thank you! And yes, I'm gonna go out for a bit".

"I'll go get him for you then before you leave", he said turning around and leaving.

He came back a couple of minutes later carrying Toby with one hand, and I was surprised to see him with Criptus on his other one.

"Anyone else came for practice today?", I asked him intrigued.

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