Chapter 2 (Flashback)

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Zeema remembered talking with her mom about becoming the future queen, when suddenly the ground began to shake and the citizens of Viridi began to panic. Then, Zeema's dad quickly approached her and her mom and grabbed Zeema's mom by the hand.

Zeema's Dad: "My love, we must evacuate Viridi immediately! An asteroid half the size of our planet is heading this way!!"

Zeema: "What about everyone else?! We must evacuate them too!"

Zeema's Dad: "There's no time for that, only me, you, and your mother can escape! Now come on, we have to go!!"

Zeema's dad pulled on Zeema's mom's hand, but she refused to move.

Zeema's Dad: "What are you doing?! We must leave at once or we'll die!!"

Zeema's Mom: "I can't just leave our citizens behind to be killed! We either evacuate everyone or none of us leave!!"

Zeema's Dad: "Ugh, fine! You and Zeema can stay here to die while I leave and survive!! I hope you're happy with your decision."

Zeema's dad quickly ran off into the crowd of frightened citizens. Then, Zeema's mom turned to Zeema with a saddened expression.

Zeema's Mom: "Zeema, I love you with all my heart and I want to make sure you're safe. So, I'm giving you something very important."

Zeema's mom proceeded to take off a golden, star-shaped necklace with a red crystal in the center of it. Then, she handed it to Zeema.

Zeema: "What's this?"

Zeema's Mom: "It's the Royal Amulet that has been passed down to every queen of Viridi for centuries. It will protect you from the asteroid, I promise."

The panicked screams became even louder as the giant asteroid was getting closer. Tears began to form in Zeema's eyes.

Zeema: "What about you? You'll be safe too, won't you?"

Tears began to form in Zeema's mom's eyes as well.

Zeema's Mom: "Don't worry about me, just keep yourself safe."

Suddenly, the atmosphere was beginning to get extremely hot as the asteroid was just about to hit Viridi. Zeema and her mom looked up at the asteroid in shock and terror.

Zeema's Mom: "Put on the amulet, NOW!!!"

Zeema quickly put on the Royal Amulet, then hugged her mom.

Zeema: "I love you, mom!"

Zeema's Mom: "I love you too, Zeema!"

They both closed their eyes while tears streamed down their faces. The asteroid hit Viridi and a massive explosion, followed by a bright flash of light disintegrated everyone and everything, except for Zeema. Zeema was knocked unconscious and blasted far away into the distance by the explosion. Zeema landed in the middle of nowhere while still being unconscious. 

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