I'll fight until I die

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Bishop's POV

I need to find a way out of here. It's been days maybe even a week since I was first taken hostage. I'm in a dark cellar somewhere in America. I know we have traveled from Springfields just not how far, which direction, or for how long. I sit and wait for Gibbs to find me.

**around a week prior**

"Bishop, Torres you two are going undercover"
"As what?" Torres questioned,
"I don't know you two figure it out, you have three hours to come up with new identities, looks, lives. We leave here in four hours." I pick up my laptop and phone off my desk,
"Torres canteen, brainstorm, I need food and my snack draw ran out," he nods and follows me out of the bullpen.

"Okay so any ideas so far?" I asked as I put my coins in the vending machine for my picnic bar,
"Well you could be a drunk college girl and me your shining night in arm-"
"No, next" why does he have to come up with ideas that he knows are terrible and that will just annoy me.
"I was thinking we become ex-anti-navy who want revenge and what better way to do that than set a bomb on the navy yard, that will get them interested then they are gonna want to know why they need us...what are our assets and finally are we a liability or can we be trusted. These guys are smart that's why their base of operations is in Springfields and not round the corner from the navy yard."
"Okay let's go with that and head down to Kasie so she can make our fake identities and lives and then to McGee to get our gadgets, and finally Gibbs to be reminded of the agency's undercover rules.

"Hey guys what's up, I heard you were in need of some fake ID's so what do you think? Kasie pulled up on the screen to skeleton ID's and lives that we just had to enter a few details in. "Wow Kasie have you been doing all of this whilst we were upstairs?"
"Yeah, I got bored down here, there's no new or interesting cases at the moment so..."
"Well I am very impressed, what do I do once I have filled in all of your gaps?"
"Me too," Torres added
"Well I am going to hit print and 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 here you go...Passport, drivers licence, birth certificate you name it you got it."
"Thanks Kasie," Torres and I said in unison. I gave her a hug and we left. As the elevator closed to take us back up to the bullpen he started looking through the credentials he was given...and sniffing the paper, "Nick what are you doing, they aren't going to of memorised the scent of the paper and probably won't want to look at our fake CV's anyway."
"It's all part of the image B...all part of the image."

"Hey Tim," Nick called as soon as the elevator doors opened,
"Hey guys, are you ready for the gadgets?"
"Bring on the fun baby," Torres said whilst I just smiled eagerly. This was by far the best part of undercover work.
"Okay each of you will have ear pieces in anyway but I am giving you a second one for your other ear that is smaller and will only be activated if it is pressed four times firmly. It is very small and uses a very low frequency. Only activate if you are in a life or death situation and it will track your position every minute along with us being able to talk to you but not you talk to us." We both took our secondary earpiece and put it in.
"Next up is a small hand gun that can only store two rounds but I have adapted these pairs of combat shoes, which are exactly what each of you are wearing right now and there is a compartment in the heal for it." Torres instantly grabbed his shoes and tried them on where as I took the gun out of the shoe and examined it, it was actually quite cool.
"Finally both of you are going to have a bracelet, necklace or chain. This will double up as a explosive device. It will go off 1 minute after the clasp is broken the only way to defuse it temporarily is to close the clasp again."
"Good job McGee, you always out do yourself. Can I have a chain and a bracelet" of course Nick loves the thing that's goes boom, I think it's a guy thing because Tony and my brothers had the same reaction as Torres.
"Thanks, Tim. I am always amazed as to what you can come up with. Can I have a necklace with a tree of life on it and a bracelet with the word 'sing' on it?"
"Sure thing, why those?"
Well for the bracelet it will have a smaller blast meaning that when I always thought I would sing when I thought I was about to die or get scared as a kid, singing would always calm me down. And a tree of life because the chances are if I have to use it I rather ironically probably won't survive the blast unscathed hence life."
Torres looked like he understood but McGee just said, "I'm sure it won't come to life or death."


I do a quick check of my surroundings and amo. The masked men took my ear piece that McGee gave me when I first got captured, as well as my shoes...though they don't know about the gun in them, I think they just wanted to make it harder for me to run. All I have left is my bracelet and necklace.

The door to my cell opened and the masked man appeared again this time waving his gun around.
"Up." I didn't move, "Now," I was not going do what my kidnapper. He walked towards me and put the gun against my ribs whilst pulling on my hair. "I said now, princess." I walked, at gun point, up a flight of stairs I noticed that there surprisingly few people around. He took off his mask to reveal an acid burned face that I had never seen before.
I saw 5 people on my way up to the lobby, if you could call it that. I went through a door to find Torres with a gun to his head, looking surprisingly chilled but with a lot of blood on his shirt.
He looked up at me when the door opened and his eyes widened as he took in what I looked like. "Princess, it's your lucky day, your special agent boyfriend here has come to replace you as our hostage for information." Torres was not taking my place no way. I cared to much about him. I started thrashing to get to him but the gun was pressed harder into his head, which made me stop. "Torres, why would you come here?"
"Nice to see you alive Ellie, I see you still have your necklace and bracelet I gave you," I gave him a quizzical look but he just gave me a look that said I have a plan, " Gibbs was wondering if you had been singing. I told him you wouldn't sing unless it was really necessary, I guess I was right for once."
"Nick what are you doing?" I was getting slightly nervous now, I knew he was stalling but I just didn't know what for.

Our captors caught on and formed a circle with guns drawn then threw us in the middle. I hugged Torres, he felt like home, safe. I whispered in his ear, "what's the plan?"
"You start singing I have an earpiece. Gibbs snipers the window making them scatter long enough for us to throw out bracelets and run then throw our necklace and chain behind. It's a shoot to ki-"
"Alright a hug does need to last that long"
I gave Nick a look so he would know to tell me when to sing.
"So your boyfriend huh... I heard a rumour that Gibbs doesn't allow relationships in his team." I must have had a surprised look on my face from how much he knew about Gibbs, "We met a long time ago in Afghanistan then more recently when I believe Special agent Dinozzo was Undercover." I nodded,
"He isn't my boyfriend and as you already know, Gibbs doesn't allow relationships within the team." However from the smirk that formed on his face, he walked slowly forward,
"So he won't mind if I do this then.." he leaned forward and just as he was about to kiss me I kneed him in the genitals and spat on his face, "Torres might not mind but I do." Torres gave me the look that said now's our chance so I started singing 'thousand faces' by Don Diablo and Andy Grammer. I dropped to the floor with Torres as Gibbs began to shoot. Then we legged it to the door and threw our bracelets then kept going with out looking back. Bang I felt it before I heard it. I was short in the stomach. Torres picked me up and kept going whilst I took of my necklace and his chain of his neck, "Ellie throw them NOW" I did as Torres said and we made it out of the...Hotel?! I was now feeling the pain as the bomb went off and a car pulled up outside, in front of Torres. He opened the door and placed me in the back before climbing in after and shutting the door. "Bishop, B, stay with me." I opened my now heavy eyes and saw his face, looking into his eyes I saw something I couldn't quite place.

**1 hour later**

"Bishop, hey Bishop"
"Hey Tim how are you?"
"I'm okay do you know where Gibbs and Torres are? Is Torres okay?"
"Right here Bishop," Gibbs called from the corner of my room and I looked over to see Gibbs sat on a chair next to a sleeping Torres on a sofa.
"Hey Gibbs, thanks for coming to get me, how long has Torres been asleep and what time is it?"
"Always the questions Bishop. It's half five and he has been asleep for 30 ish minutes." I nod then my tummy grumbles so I turn to McGee,
"Tim will you go get me a picnic, I don't like hospital food?"
"Sure" he leaves the room and I turn back to Gibbs who has now sat in McGee's vacant seat, looking at Torres he says,
"He hasn't slept since the night you were taken. Hadn't even left the office for a shower or food until I forced him to, so when he went to get you it didn't look like he was affected as he was." I smile at the thought that Torres cares that much about me, "I'm going to go get coffee and head to the office to check up on Jimmy... it's good to have you back Bishop." I smile at Gibbs,
"It's good to be back Boss."

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