Chapter 2

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Ok so this is chapter two. I hope you enjoy!! and remember to





Spencer's P.O.V:

I woke up to my cellphone ringing. It felt as if I had only slept for seconds. Looking at the time time on my phone before answering I found out I had actually slept more than six hours.

“Spencer speaking” I told the person on the other line.

“Well hello Spencer,” I heard my boss' voice say

“Holbrook.” I said curtly

“Is that anyway to talk to your boss, Spencer?” laughed Holbrook.

“Whatever” I muttered “ Just tell me what my assignment is.”

“Straight forward aren't you?” said Holbrook “ well good because I don't like dumb asses. You are to go to Nice, France and eliminate Jasper Levenueax. '

I groaned inside of my head. Leveneaux was a former agent and like Holbrook said “ had gone to the dark side.”

“ When do I leave?” I sighed

“You leave in one day.” Holbrook answered

“So tommorow.”

“Yes Spencer” he growled

“Okay” I said getting off my bed.

“Good – bye!” Holbrook said a bit too cheerfully “oh and bon voyage”

“Haha” I muttered and ended the call.

I looked at the time. It was 9am. So I only had today to pack before I left for Nice. I tried to pack quickly as possible so I could take a nap. I hadn't slept in two freaking days and I was tired as hell. I groaned out loud. Sometimes being a spy, or assassin, what ever you wanted to call me sucked.

Jen's P.O.V

Jumping on my bed, I grabbed a pillow and put it tightly against my face. And screamed with all my might. Yes, I'm a 22 year old that lives in a apartment five minutes away from where her parents lived and screamed into her pillow. Don't judge me okay?

And to make matters worse I was leaving in a day for France. I don't even know where because my parents said it was a surprise. I think I should have to start packing I don't really have much time. I leave tomorrow for Pete's sake. I bet my parents were expecting this.

Not the breaking up with Richard, well may be, but the going with them to France. Gah! I hate how they know me so well. It's almost like they stalk me, well they don't because they have known me all their life. Shit,I need to pack.

Jumping from my bed I ran to my closet and began to pull out clothes.


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and by the way thats Jen over there  -->

I Married A Spy? ( on Hold sorry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora