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Today is different.

It happens once a year for the new generations of young adults, dispersing into the four factions that make up my home, Adauwia. This year I am one of them.

I'm not particularly excited for it, I never have been. In my opinion, I find it stupid. We shouldn't have someone decide our future for us. But of course, I could never share that aloud. Nobody knows what happens to these people that openly disagree with Dawn and her army.

The annual ball and sorting ceremony is probably the biggest event in Adauwia. Everyone's gonna be talking about it around the village. I have already been asked about which faction I think i'll get in more times then I can count. But I always just answer with an I don't know. Only because I really don't know which one i'll get put into. There's Rhayth; faction of earth but i'm not really the type for being "one with nature." Then there's Araythar; faction of darkness but I prefer to say far away from there and their stupid leader, Kolby. Gieria; faction of water if i had to chose where to go i'd probably chose Gieria. They are all nice people but I don't think i'll fit in. Lastly, we have Elgar; faction of light. Elgar isn't really that bad in my opinion, but because of Dawn having to work there and live there, I would rather get hit by car then have to be put in that faction.

Dawn Addington. Head of government. My least favorite person on this stupid planet.

She's the reason my sister is dead.

"Can I help you?" I asked as I stared at the old, white-haired lady who was accompanied by two tall bodyguards. She was dressed in an all white pantsuit that was buttoned up all the way to her neck.

"Hi, i'm Dawn Addington, head of government. Are you Amy Carter?" She questioned with a smile, showing her bright red lipstick cracking on her chapped lips.

"Um that's my mother, do we have a problem?" I was starting to get worried. She was the head of government, what could she possibly need from me and my family?

"Yes we do. I'm afraid to tell you that we need to take custody of Lila Carter? Is that you?" She asked again, remaining the same smile on her face as if it the words that came out of her mouth were good news.

"Dexy, what's going on?" I heard a small voice coming from behind me. I widened my eyes and snapped my head around to look down at my little sister. She was wearing her pink shirt that had "princess" in sliver writing across her chest. Her black leggings patterned with crowns in the same sliver color on her shirt. It came as a set that we got from Ollie's shop just down the road.

"Lila? Is that you?" Dawn said pushing open the door further.

"No! No! What did she do?" I pleaded, placing my hands in front of her which got pushed down by one of the bodyguards.

"She took out her chip."

I turned towards Lila, "Did you take it out?" And she nodded. I squeezed my eyes shut, "I told you to not do that." I said calmly, trying not to let my emotions show.

"It kept itching. I'm sorry, it just kept bugging me." She said. I turned back around, now facing the three government officials.

"She didn't mean to." I stated and felt hot tears start to trickle down my cheek.

"She broke the law." Dawn stated back, a lot colder this time. She took a step forward but I stepped in front of her, stopping her from getting to Lila.

"She's only 7 years old! She's harmless! She didn't mean to do it! Please!" I cried out. She can't take my sister, I don't know what i'll do. I will get on my knees and beg if I have to, but they can't take her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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