I swear

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"Stay in town, we might need to ask you a few questions in the near future" hailey said as they pulled up to the young girls house. Destiny nodded and smiled weakly at them before hesitantly getting out of the car. She closed the door behind her and the partners watched her walk over to her house, they stayed until she was inside.

Destiny walked over to the downstairs window then looked through it, she saw her step dad and her mom sleeping on the couch so she took off her heels and grabbed them before climbing up the wall until she got onto the mini ledge next to her bedroom window. She looked around before sliding her bedroom window open and climbing through it. "What the heck just happened?" Jay said to hailey in shock. Hailey shook her head, "I have no idea" she sighed. "You think she's in trouble?" she added. Jay shook his head in worry, "I don't know, I saw some bruises on her neck before but I'm not sure. She's probably just scared to wake them up or something..." he said unconvincingly. Hailey nodded doubtfully then drove back to the district.

"Keep the girls in lock up, one of them will break eventually" hank said as jay and hailey walked back in. They all nodded and took the girls down to holding. "Head out" hank said as everyone reappeared after their last daily task. Hailey and jay walked out together like they always do, "see you tomorrow" jay said as he waved at hailey. She smiled and waved as drove off in her car.

"Where the hell have you been?" Destiny's step dad came barging through her door. She jumped as she finished putting her hoodie on, "the cops arrested me, all because of you. They've got the others too, they let me go since i didn't do anything..." she cockily snapped back at him. Her dad grew angry and grabbed her arm, "did you say a word?" He growled at her. She shook her head vigorously. He grabbed her other arm tighter as her mother watched from the doorway, "ow stop it, I swear I didn't!" She winced in pain. Her step dad let her go and she fell backwards onto her bed. He slammed the door behind him but that was the truth she didn't say anything because she didn't know anything but she'd soon find out. She rubbed her arms and climbed into bed before shutting her eyes and snoozing.

Jay couldn't stop thinking about the well-being of the kid, he couldn't stop thinking of scenarios as to why she avoided the front door. He got something quick to eat before putting on a film and sitting down on the couch to crash for the night.

"Any of them talking yet?" Jay said as he walked into the bullpen bright and early the next morning. Hank sighed, "nope, they've obviously been told what to do in this situation. We're gonna have to go undercover, jay and hailey I want you two to go to the club and talk to anyone you have to" hank said before turning and leaving for his office. The team all nodded, "when?" Hailey said eagerly. Hank turned around with a fake face on, "tonight" he smiled before leaving the team to sort it all out.

Destiny arrived at work with her step dad ready for the Saturday night busyness they always had, she was eager to find out what the deal was with the cops and the drugs so she listened in to her step dad's conversation with his colleagues since he owned the club. "They're onto us about the drugs, i don't know about the guns but they know we're moving big dope" she heard her dad say through the crack of his office. "They've got some of our girls, I've replaced them for tonight but we'll get them back don't worry" she heard him say next. She was listening into the conversation when she heard the important stuff, "you know where it's all at, downstairs in locker 2/3 I want you to keep close eyes on the basement door when the clubs open. You never know who's lurking round..." he scoffed.

Destiny took that as her signal to leave in case they found her eavesdropping, she ran off to go to the changing room where the older women were stationed. She couldn't believe it, her step dad was apart of a big mission that involved drugs and guns, she felt really uneasy and unsafe but she gone about her usual Saturday routine like nothing was wrong.

It got till around 6pm and party goers started to fill the club so she unwillingly changed into her 'stripper' outfit that consisted of some black fishnet tights, a black rhinestones bra and bikini bottoms with black heels. She hated every bit of it but she had no choice.

"you guys all set?" Hank said as hailey and jay walked out into the cage room. Hailey was wearing a black dress and jay was wearing a casual suit so they would both fit in. "Yeah" they said in unison. They had wires attached to them so the unit could hear everything, they separated into their own cars and drove to 'club scorpion' in hopes that they would find something useful.

  They had wires attached to them so the unit could hear everything, they separated into their own cars and drove to 'club scorpion' in hopes that they would find something useful

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