After a little while, my breath was strangled and forced against the tight, constricting ropes. It became exhausting, and my organs were being crushed. My vision began to darken with the lack of oxygen. The world went black, and the last thing I saw was blood dripping down my arm.


“Oh my god, wake up! Sonj, wake up!” My eyes fluttered open and I saw Tucker’s face looking down at me. I was lying in James’s truck, and was immediately greeted with agony from my burns. I bit my lip to keep from crying. “It hurts. It hurts so much.” I whispered, clutching my arm. “I know, I know Sonja. Just.. just hang on a minute. We gotta get out of here.” Tucker said, pulling the car out of the station’s lot. “Wait..” I paused, and the image of Tom and James being abducted flashed in my mind. “We have to follow the truck! They have Tom! They have James!” I cried, forcing myself to sit up. “I know Sonja. But, we have to think about ourselves too. I mean, you just almost died.” Tucker said, glancing at me. “Follow them. Please. We can’t just give up.” I groaned. We exchanged glances, and he saw how much I wanted to help them. “Okay Sonj. We’ll follow them. Are you okay?” He asked, glancing at me. “Yeah, I’ll be okay. I think there’s a first aid kit in here somewhere.” I said, rummaging through the supplies. We drove down the road where we last saw the truck taking Tom and James. We saw nothing at first, but moments later, I caught sight of a tail light. “There!” I pointed excitedly.  We trailed behind the truck a good ways, so that they wouldn’t see us. “Do you think..” I began, dread filling me. “that , uh, they’re okay?” I asked, fearing that they may have been killed. “I don’t know, Sonja.” Tucker groaned. My eyes widened with concern, and I focused on tending my burns. “Look’s like we’re in for a wrong ride.” Tucker said, brushing his hair out of his face. His hair had grown extensively and looked shaggy, but I thought it looked rugged and kind of cute. “You know what I said about James? I said I didn’t like him.” Tucker began. “Well, I was wrong. He’s done a lot for us. I just want you to know I’ve changed my mind.” He continued. “I know. You wouldn’t really think of someone who helped us so much like that.” I said, smiling softly. We sat in silence for a moment before I opened my mouth again. “You know, it’s been a hell of an adventure so far.” I sighed, smiling. “Yeah, one I can’t wait to end.” Tucker replied dryly. “We all want it to end. But, for what it’s worth, I think we’re doing good.” I said. I knew I sounded awkward, but I just wanted a conversation. A normal, nice conversation. “Yeah, we haven’t killed anyone who was innocent. Not yet. And you’re handling it well, actually. Better than I did.” Tucker praised me. It sounded odd, to hear him praise me, because he rarely did so, but I cherished it. “I’m sorry I’m forcing you on a wild goose chase for Tom and James. I just don’t want to loose anyone else. We already lost Jordan and Aurey.” I said apologetically. Flashbacks to the slave trade began, and I visualized the chaotic scene and the last time I saw my friends. “Yeah, I don’t want to loose anyone else either. At least their not suffering.”  Tucker sighed, remembering the couple. We drove on for a good number of hours, further and further away from Seattle, immersed in conversation whilst following the truck. Finally, we followed the truck into a somewhat shabby neighborhood until they pulled up to one of the nicer looking houses. “I think we’re here.” Tucker said.


“Yeah, people are crazy in the apocalypse.” I said, watching the man with uncertainty. “Yes, yes, they’re all batsh*t crazy. Unlike you all though! Allow me to introduce myself! Jones! Mr. Jones is the name.” The man introduced himself. “Aurey.” I said simply, introducing myself. Ella and Jordan introduced themselves a bit more formally. “Yeah, uhm, Mr. Jones, excuse me if this is a little too rude or straightforward, but I couldn’t help but notice that you look rather well fed.” I said. Looking back on it, I should have held my tongue for a while. Mr. Jones glared at me angrily. “How dare you comment on my weight? Life was easy before all this hell!” He snapped. Embarrassed, I didn’t speak again for a while. “I’m sorry, sir, but we’re just hungry. She may have thought you had some spare food.” Jordan justified my question. He seemed to be catching a hint of my suspicion. Mr. Jones glared at me with the utmost unconcealed dislike. “I forgive your inconsiderate comment, but control yourself next time.” He snarled. His sudden turn of contempt shocked me and angered me a bit. “Yeah, um, I left the cans back there, I’m gonna go grab them.” I said, excusing myself from the situation. “Yeah, I’ll come help you get some.” Jordan said, following me. We were so absorbed in our dislike for Mr. Jones, we almost forgot our suspicion. Both of us were so eager to leave the fat man, that for a moment, we forgot about Ella, who was politely speaking with him.  Once I was sure we were out of earshot, I sighed in frustration. “I don’t like this guy. We should get out of here as soon as possible.” I groaned. “I know how you feel, but he may be able to help those people at the jail. Look how well fed he is! Maybe he can help them!” Jordan suggested. “Maybe.” I sighed, looking down. “There’s something not right about him though. He smelled like blood.” I mentioned. Jordan rolled his eyes. “Aurey, everyone smells like blood and guts. It’s the apocalypse. He probably just killed a zombie or something. Don’t worry about it.” He said, smiling comfortingly. “Yeah, you’re right. I guess.” I said. Suddenly, Ella’s scream pierced the store, scaring me and Jordan both briefly. “Ella! No, god, no! We left her with him!” I cried, racing back to where we left the two. Jordan followed close behind. We came upon the scene of Mr. Jones holding a gun to Ella’s head, and holding her arm. “What’s going on!?” Jordan demanded. “Walk away. Both of you, or I’ll blow her brains out, right in front of you.” I took a step backwards, and looked to Jordan for further instruction, but Jordan was glaring at Mr. Jones with unrivaled ferocity. “Give her back!” He snarled. “Mm, I don’t think so. Not after you called me fat. I’m very sensitive, you should know.” Mr. Jones replied slyly. “Why? Why are you doing this?” I whimpered, wiping away a tear that rolled down my cheek. Mr. Jones grinned as if he had hoped to hear those words, especially from my mouth. “Because, people in the apocalypse are batsh*t crazy, sweetheart. And we do drastic things to get by. Now, we’ll be leaving. If you take a step closer, I’ll shoot her.” That was the most torturous moment of my life. I had to watch a man walk away with someone who I had come to love with a gun to there head, and I could only watch helplessly, bawling. “Ella, we’ll find you, okay? I promise.” Jordan called to her, clenching his fists. Then, they were gone. “It’s my fault. It’s all my fault Ella is gone.” I sobbed, trying to pick myself up. Jordan took both of my hands in his, and looked at me. “Aurey, of course this isn’t your fault. It’s mine. And it’s okay, because we’re gonna get her back. Come on, we need to get back to the jail quickly. We’re gonna go get Atticus, and we’re gonna go hunt that bastard down.” His voice was relatively calm, and his eyes were a mixture of softness to calm me down, and a fire to kill Mr. Jones. I knew though, at that moment, we were a family. Ella, Atticus, him, and me were all in this together.

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