"You still owe me"

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Y/n POV 

Gabby pulls up to my house and parks in the dives away I get out and grab all my bags as kristy gabby and I walk in the house I lock the door and turn around 

"What.the.fuck" Gaege says as he looks at us and all my shopping bags "oh god" Eddie said 

"We went shopping" I said holding up the bags "I can see that" Gaege said giving me a smirk as he shakes his head "kristy do you have the same amount of bags?" Josh asks her "I- uh" she says as she chuckles nervously 

"Oh god kristy!" Josh complained as he held his hands to his face and then screamed into a pillow we all laughed as the girls sat next to there boyfriends as gaege helped me bring my bags up stairs 

"This is why girls should not go shopping alone" Gaege said as he laughed as he sat on the bed after setting the bags down I just laughed as him as I put my forehead on him and kissed him as he kissed me back

"You still owe me" he said "oh haha sure this big goosey I said as I walked out of the room 

"I'm serious" I heard him say as I walked downstairs  and walk into the kitchen "do you guys want more beers?" I asked everyone  as they sat couch "um no I think we're going now" josh said looking over to me as gaege walked down "yea we still have a bunch of things to pack" Eddie said as he got up and hugged me goodbye "okay see you later" I said as I hugged josh mully Eddie and the girls Gaege hugged them and walked them out 

"GOD DAMN KRISTY!" Gaege and I heard he looked at me "guess he found the bags" I said laughing 

Gaege walked over to me smiling he hugged me from the back and kissed my neck I turned around and kissed his lips he picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist I hop down and grab his hand and walk upstairs closing the door pushing him onto the bed 

(In banging my head on my table🙂-author)

He took of my shirt as I did the same with his he got on top of me kissing me down to my neck I let out a moan as Gaege chuckled and kissed me once more he un did his belt leaving him in his boxers I took of my jeans as I climbed on top of Gaege 

I can't do I just can't I'm sorry😂 I can't write it I'm mentally banging my head on my table rn you can decide what y'all did-A/n

Gaeges pov 

After some time we both lay on our backs panting a little y/n crawls to me laying on my chest we cuddle for a few hours before falling asleep 


I wake up rubbing my eyes I sit up on my bed seeing y/n in the bathroom she then walks out wrapped in a towel "oh morning baby" she said as I got out of bed and kissed her cheek "morning" I said as I walked into the bathroom

Y/n POV 

Gaege walked into the bathroom and got ready as I walked over to the closet to get changed 

Gaege walked into the bathroom and got ready as I walked over to the closet to get changed 

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💚✨Gaege Gibson x reader✨💚Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora