Chapter 4: Good Night

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Falling from Grace

Chapter 4

Good Night

The soft sound of singing from the bathroom welcomed Tang as he brought tea into the bedroom that he and Pigsy had been sharing for a few years now. He heard the shower turn off and Pigsy drying off. Tang stirred the sugar into Pigsy's tea and squeezed a tiny bit of lemon into it. Just the way he liked it. Pigsy walked out of the bathroom and sat down next to Tang. His nightshirt was soft to the touch. Tang found himself leaning against the pig man as he was warmer. Pigsy put his arm around his partner and sighed.

"Its supposed to snow all night, looks like the restaurant is going to be closed." He nestled in and took a sip of his tea. Oh yes, just like he liked it. Tang blushed at the contact, no matter what Pigsy still made him feel shy. He took his own tea and sipped it before looking out the window.

"Yes, it looks like the snow has already begun to fall." Pigsy looked at Tang seeing the bandaid on his chin.

"Ah, geez he gotcha didn't he?" Luckily Pigsy didn't retain any damage from the roof tile just a bit of a bump that went down after an hour.

"It still hurts." Tang said, taking hold of Pigsy's hand. "I'm afraid it will continue to be for a bit."

"How the hell did that guy even find out who you were? Other than us, who would know? Even the kids don't know." Pigsy jumped hearing the loud cry from above. He had kept the apartment just the way the Suns had it before they left.

"Oh Tao isn't happy." Tang chuckled and then heard a soft singing. Pigsy and Tang looked at one another.

"She's got a good set of pipes." Tang took a drink of the last of his tea before he stood up to go to bed. His head grew dizzy and he sat back down.

"You okay?" Pigsy caught him and helped him to their bed.

"Yeah, I think I stood up too fast." He chuckled and cleared his throat. "Come on, lets get some sleep." Tang crawled into bed and patted the spot next to him. Pigsy sighed and crawled into bed next to him. Pigsy leaned over and kissed him before they both turned out the light.

Outside the window stood a darkened figure. Its stood perched on the lamp light.

The man gritted his teeth and tapped the earwig.

"The old mud ball wasn't lying. It would seem he's been hiding with a pig beast above a noodle shop."


"Yes ma'me...with."

"Vulgar." The woman growled. "I want him."

"What about Boa?" The man asked.

"What about Boa? I said I want him now! Why are you asking questions just do it!" The woman's screeching caused a man who was walking his dog to look around for the sound of the woman yelling. He mumbled his displeasure as he continued to walk on.

Within Tang and Pigsy's room a soft yellow dust rained down on Pigsy. The hunter walked into the room and smiled down at the sleeping couple.

The hunter reached out and covered Tangs nose and mouth. Tang jumped and looked up at the fuzzy features of the man standing in front of him. The hunter gently placed the glasses onto his face. It was a courtesy, and that was all.

"Stay quiet...and I won't kill your boyfriend." Tang turned to look at Pigsy who seemed to be having a good dream about something. "He won't spell will last till morning." Tang gasped as the man grabbed him by his nightshirt and bodily threw him over his shoulder.

"Please..." Tang tried. The man chuckled and jumped back onto the lamp post. Tang covered his eyes, he hated heights. He could feel the noodle shop getting farther, and farther away.

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