His eyes were hollow, full of exhaustion. Esme noticed the small bruises along with his cheekbones and dark bags around the bottom of his eyes. She sucked in a large breath, which caught his attention as he locked eyes with her. They stared at each other in silence, taking in each other's features. She remembered how he didn't look at her before he left her room. His jaw was tight, lips sealed as if he was in pain. Draco took note of the emptiness in her eyes, the paleness of her skin. She wanted to reach over and touch his hand because even in the frigid weather and the rain, his touch would be warm. He always felt warm to her, even when his fingers were as cold as ice cubes.

"Focillo." Mr.Malfoy whispered.

She felt her insides ignite in warmth, the wet blanket dried, and heat took over. Her body stopped shivering.

Warming Charm.

She heard him mumble the same spell. Probably for himself. Mr.Malfoy was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a black hoodie. It contrasted against his platinum coloured hair. He looked younger than he already did, almost like a teenager.

"Why are you sitting out in the rain?"

She gulped, turning her eyes back to the rain that was now falling more heavily against the ground.

"I like the quiet."

He stared at her, and she turned her gaze back to him on purpose.

"Why are you here?" she questioned. She didn't understand why he was spending time with her when he could be doing other things. Why did he choose to come to see her after a month?

"How are your arms?" he changed the subject, staring into the depths of her brown hues.

She scoffed, and his eyebrows tilted up in confusion. "Little late to be asking about that, don't you think?"

"I asked you a question. Now answer it."

She wasn't going to answer, but the look in his eyes was demanding.

"The scars are healed, my arms stopped being sore weeks ago, but you wouldn't know that, since you were gone right?"

He gulped, eyes flaring with anger. "If you must know, I just got back from a business trip, dealing with some issues in another country, which took over a month."


Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She didn't even know why her tone had turned rude while confronting him for an answer. What he did wasn't her business, nor would it ever be.

He sighed, eyes softening. "I need to give you a potion for the infections, I was supposed to wait a month from the day you were healed."

Her heart sunk again. Mr.Malfoy was only here to check up on her because of her scars 

Because he was a healer, and it was his job. He didn't care about her apart from that. 

She swallowed thickly, ignoring the way he was gazing upon her. "Later, I just want to sit in the rain for now Mr.Malfoy."

"It seems we share quite a few things in common then Ms.Smith."

Her lips were yearning to tug upwards, allowing a small smile to take over her face.

"How was your trip?"

He clicked his tongue, biting on his bottom lip before releasing it and staring at her again, with such intensity she finally felt fulfilled after a whole month.

"My work is unimportant, it doesn't concern you. Tell me now, who made you fall in love with literature?"

She couldn't contain the smile that took over her face. Her heart begins pounding again. She was used to this, the way his presence made her feel. "Bronte"

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