I got a spark in me

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"Of course we are," Luke says, shaking his head.

"Maybe not" Reggie says hopeful.

"But Luke's right, you guys died." I am confused.  None of this  makes sense, first, they finish their unfinished business but don't pass on. I show up when they are almost dead, I hugged them. Now we can touch and they can be seen. Also their little stamps just disappeared. not to mention they started glowing?!?!?

"Who knows what's going on, we can't figure it out right now. But Julie's family is waiting"  Alex says sounding level headed. where are we at when Alex is being leveled headed. he's usually the one freaking out.

" and i wanna talk to Ray" Reggie pouts. he throws himself onto the couch like a child and we all giggle. it certainly lightens the mood.

"But-" Luke says

"Luke they're right, we can figure it out later." I say grabbing his hand, I signal for the guys to go ahead.

"Luke it's gonna be okay" I say grabbing his other hand.

"How do we know that?"

"Because we have each other, the band. You've said it yourself, that's all we need" he smiles as I speak

"you remembered? also how are you always right?" he says, smiling his little grin he often does, everytime i see butterflies flutter inside of me.

"I'm almost never right" i chuckle.

"Well, i'm not sure about that but you're at least right about this" he says pulling me with his up the path. Once we're inside, we break apart reluctantly. i don't know what's going on and i certainly don't wanna be grilled about it by my dad or worse my brother.

"There y'all are" Reggie says, smirking slightly.

"Me and Julie were just discussing songs' ' Luke says, covering up with a simple lie, he sits down and rubs his hands together.

"Breakfast is served" my dad says putting down pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice. Exactly what we used to have with my mom. He calls for Carlos and my brother comes thundering down. Reggie smiles giantly and hugs my dad. My dad gives him a confused look.

"sorry i'm a bit of a hugger" Reggie laughs.

"you are-" Alex starts but Reggie kicks him in the leg. me and Luke both grin slightly. i hear Carlos thunder down the stairs.

"What's to ea- AAAAAAHHHH" he says, turning the corner and seeing the guys.

"Carlos what's up with you?" my dad says with a chuckle.

"They're here, I can see them," he says crazily, pointing at the boys. i look down at my plate and turn to Carlos.

"Yeah Carlos, they came to visit me," I say quickly.

"We wanted to surprise Julie since we had such an awesome night last night with the whole Orpheum gig," Luke says winking at me.

"but i thought, nevermind" Carlos says sitting down by dad and grabbing a plate.

"Anyway, it's so nice to finally meet y'all. I would like to thank you for bringing my daughter back to music, it means the world to her. Seeing her happy after so long, it's all i've ever wanted"

"We should be the one thanking you, Julie is so amazingly talented, we're lucky to have met her." Luke says. I feel a hand on my knee making me jump a little till I realize it was just Luke. He smiles with his cute grin again and then turns back to the conversation. All I can hear is muffled sounds around me, I watch Luke and that's when I realize. I'm in love with him......


So i'm sick and out of school for the next couple of days which means y'all can expect more parts from me! i really like this story so far and i hope y'all will too!

lots of love - R

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