"Kelly!" I shouted recapturing her attention.

Kelly straightened up before releasing a heavy sigh and throwing her hands up.

"Damnit, yes ok! I did it." She admitted.

I bit down on my bottom lip as I took in a deep calming breath.

"What's the problem?" Kelly questioned oblivious to the fact that she was wrong.

"The problem?! The problem?!?! Kelly you gave out my information to a stranger!" I scolded, pointing my finger in her face.

"Can someone tell me what the hell I missed?" Michelle asked GETTING also frustrated.

Kelly swatted my finger out of her face.

"Calm down Beyoncé damn. It ain't that serious. He was feeling you like I said he was, he asked for it and I gave it to him that's all." She replied coldly. “You didn’t seem so mad about it the last time.” She glared back at me with a scowl.

I grabbed a hand full of my hair GETTING ready to go ballistic any moment now. I rubbed my forehead trying to think of what to say. “That…that was different.”

“How so Bey?” She tauntingly questioned. When I failed to answer she took that as a WIN and walked away. “Exactly.” 

I turned around and grabbed her arm before she could pass by me. I swung her around to face me and she snatched out of my grasp.

"Look Kelly you can't just go around giving out my number to random guys without telling me. How the hell to you think I felt when he called?"

Unexpectedly, the corners of Kelly's mouth turned upward.

"So he called?" She asked in excitement dismissing my point.

"Kelly?!" I screamed.

She was going to drive me to an insane asylum. I was a ticking bomb just waiting to explode at that point.

"Somebody better tell me what the heck is going on up in HERE." Michelle demanded now standing up from her seat at the island.

"Michelle not now!!" I barked at her unintentionally.

God I was GETTING past the point of frustration. And Michelle wasn’t helping the situation either. She stood there with her mouth agape and a ‘who-the–fuck-you-talking-to?’ look on her face. Returning my attention back to Kelly, I stood there impatiently tapping my foot.

"Ok Beyoncé you are truly buggin' out." Kelly concluded before leaving the kitchen to head into the living room. I was right behind her. Hot on her tail.

I took hold of her once more, this time she didn’t try to pry away.

"How could you Kelly? After I told you..." I replied as hot tears left my eyes and rolled down my cheek.

Instead I plainly let go of her arm and looked up at the ceiling avoiding her look of concern and bit down hard on my lip. I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand before finding the courage to look at her. Kelly, with furrowed brows, frowned and pursed her lips together before attempting to comfort me. I shrugged her hand off my shoulders and looked away with new tears ready to fall.

"Damn Bey...I'm sorry ok? God I didn't think you would be this upset about a phone number." She replied with a hint of sarcasm.

I shook my head.

"And Shawn Kelly?"

I looked at her with sad and tearful eyes. She looked at me with a puzzled expression.

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