A Restless Night

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Milo didn't sleep well that night.  His thoughts were flooded with the possible and imaginary consequences of the fateful email he sent to Mr. Phoebus.  What if it did get worse, even if Mr. Pheobus punished them for it?  What would Hans do to him when he found out?  Was this really the best way to deal with this?  Milo tossed and turned in bed thinking unable to get the matter out of his mind.

Finally, Milo slammed his head onto his pillow and looked at his clock: 10:00.  He always went to bed at 9 at the latest if he wasn't doing anything with Eric and Kristoff or Kida.  Milo stared into the night light on his beside table, then looked longingly at his MP3 player.  There really was only one thing that could help him when he was feeling like this.  He was only glad it was still around.  

It was a song his mom used to sing to him when he was little.  She learned it from a CD and began singing it to him.  Even though his parents died when he was three, he always remembered it like a distant memory.  Milo put it on and felt a long-awaited peace of mind.  Everything would be okay.  He yawned, he'd forgotten how deep his pillow was.  At last, when the song finished and Milo put his MP3 player away, he and sleep met each other.

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