"Not You Again!"

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"Ah, last class of the day!" Kristoff sighed with relief as they turned in their lab sheets.  Milo, as much as he enjoyed school, was also relieved.  Even if it was only Thursday, they were only one day closer to Saturday.  They headed back to their desks to pack up and wait for the bell.  Once it rang, Kristoff grabbed Milo's hand for a bro-hug, "See ya, Milo.  Have a good one!"

"You, too!"

Milo trudged out of the science building and outside, waved one last goodbye to his friend, and headed out to the parking lot where his grandpa was waiting for him.  As he walked past the History building, he saw the last person he wanted to see giving him a familiar look: Hans.  

Hans was the school bully with a group of other thugs working alongside him that was too long a list to name off.  He'd always been a bully, but he always had a way of being a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Anna learned that the hard way when he broke up with her.  Now, she was going with Kristoff which caused Hans to turn up the volume. 

He even had a group of girls at his disposal now. They became recognizable by their spaghetti strap shirts. They would always 'capture' some unsuspecting guy, you wouldn't see or hear anything except squeels and giggles and, when they finally let him go, he'd be covered in lipstick graffiti. Milo had been their victim so many times before that his new girlfriend, Kida, always kept a package of wet wipes to clean the lipstick off. They finally left him alone after Milo finally stuck up to them, "Don't even think about it. I'm not in the mood." He aimed his best glare at them. The leader, Drizella, glanced at her sister, Anastasia, and looked at Milo disgusted, "Fine. We won't, Loser Boy." She turned to the others, "Come on, he's not worth this much trouble." and they swaggerd off. After that, they never bothered him again.

Milo gave him a disappointed look, "Not you again! What do you want?"  Hans slowly stepped in front of him on the sidewalk, "You know what I want, Brains."  Milo rolled his eyes, "I don't.  If I did, I wouldn't have asked."  Hans sneered, "What an idiot."  Milo groaned, walked around Hans and kept going.  He soon found that was a big mistake.  Suddenly, he felt the edge of his underwear getting yanked.  Milo breathed heavily, "W-What are you doing? Let me go!"

"Let me go!" Hans mimicked still yanking Milo's underwear to heights Milo thought impossible.  Breathing heavily, he struggled against the wedgie.  Hans pinned him down, "Quit squirmin' you little crybaby!"  At that, Milo could feel tears smart his eyes, "Please, it hurts!"  Hans paused for a moment and pulled them over Milo's head, "As you wish." and snapped them over Milo's forehead.  Hans left laughing to himself.  Milo stayed unable to get himself unstuck and could his feel his cheeks get hot at being in such a humiliating position.  A few seconds later, he felt someone undo the wedgie, "You okay?"  He looked up to see Eric looking down at him with concerned eyes.  

Eric was one of his other friends.  He captained the swim team and worked at the Rec. center as a lifeguard in the pool area.  Eric helped him up as Milo wiped his eyes, "Yea, I think I'm okay."  Eric looked off into the distance, "It was Hans, wasn't it?"  he didn't wait for Milo to answer, "should I go have a little talk with him?"  he bumped his fists together as he said this.  Milo did a stray sniffle, "Yes, please."  They shared a laugh as Eric looked at his watch, "I better get going or I'll be late for work.  See ya."

"See ya, Eric."

When he finally got out to the parking lot to his grandpa and they were down the road, Milo talked about his day.  He left out the part about getting wedgied since he didn't want him to worry.  The last thing he needed was his grandpa being worried about something else besides his big studies he was doing for the museum in town.  He could probably handle it on his own.  

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