Chapter 4~ Humilation

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Ambers P.O.V

Me and ross walked into the kitchen together, since that's where the food, and drinks are.

"So this is your first party. Huh?"

"Uh yeah, first party"

It was kinda crowed in the kitchen, but it was better than in the living room. but there was something a little bit off about this, like they were waiting for something.

All the sudden a slow song came on, it was 'Not about angels' by Birdy.

My face lit up as soon as I came on. I looked over at Ross who was staring at me, and I got lost in his eyes once again.

We both started leaning in, and he placed his hand on my hip, which was the only thing holding me up at the time.

Out faces were centimeters away, I started to close my eyes, ross copied my actions.

Just as our lips were about to touch, the music stopped, everyone stopped, and ross' hand that was once supported me, let go of me, and I fell. More like face planted, and just to make it better everyone was laughing, even ross.

What the fuck?! What the actual fuck?!

"Hahaha! You really thought I was going to kiss YOU?!" Ross yelled so the whole house could here.

"W-what?" My voice barley a whisper.
I looked around the room, to find Chara. She looked at me with sorry eyes.
She walked up to me and whispered.

"Let's get out of here." I nodded letting some tears escape my eyes.

"Yeah just leave. this was our plan in the first place." ross said still laughing.

I got my self up off the floor, and wiped the tears away from my eyes, and tried not to make eye contact with anyone while I walked out.

As soon as me and chara got to her car, I started balling my eyes out.

"W-w-why would-would he d-do that?" I sobbed into the front seat of her car.

"I don't know he's just a dick, forget him." she soothingly rubbed my back, which really calmed me down.

"Why don't we go back to my house, watch some movies, and eat Ice cream all night." she said smiling.

"I would like that."

She started up her car, and we drove back to her house.

Most of the ride was quiet which I liked. it was a comfterable silence, and that gave me some time to think.

I didn't know he was like this. Has he always been like this? Are his friends like this? Does he like me? Does he hate me? Well at least I didn't pee. Thank god.

This was everything running through my mind. Even the pee. I don't know how that even got in there.

We soon arrived to Charas house, and the whole night consisted of; eating, laughing, and watching movies, we also kept getting prank phone calls, from we all know who, but we just ignored them, and continued to do what we were doing.
Forget Ross, just forget him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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