Chapter 1 - The Origin, Part 1

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It was a cold, starry night.

The soft breeze of the wind filled the empty streets of Snowdin with a tender, yet chilling feeling. In the dark sky, many bright dots could be seen filling the void that separated the monsters from what's above. The trees danced softly with the wind, as if a soft song was soothing them through a neverending song.

Frisk had just returned from a visit with Alphys and was on his way back to sans and Papyrus' house. Alphys had invited them over to read the newest Mew Mew Kissy Cutie book they were able to get after "searching endlessly on the web for Mew Mew's super-mega limited edition comic book featuring her brand new super-mega rare Mew Mew figurine with moveable joints that only comes with the first 1000 orders, snif".

As ridiculous as that sounded to Frisk, he agreed to come over and have a look. In their honest opinion, it was nothing they were really interested in, but seeing Alphys get so excited over a book and an action figure was always a nice thing to see. Frisk chuckled as they remembered how Alphys took nearly 1 hour to open the box the figure came because they believed the box was too valuable to damage.

There was something that bothered them though...

As they spent time with Alphys, Frisk noticed that she was more nervous than normal. Regularly, Alphys had already adapted to Frisk being around and was able to communicate without much issue. Today, for some reason, was different. It's as Alphys had something on her mind and couldn't get herself to stop thinking about it. Frisk first thought that it might have been related to the Mew Mew merch she had acquired, but why would she still be bothered by that if she already had her super-mega rare merch with her? Frisk dismissed the thought as nothing more than Alphys being herself.

As Frisk was getting closer to sans' house he could hear Papyrus already screaming from the kitchen. They suspected that he was making spaghetti (again). Frisk knocked on the door twice and an answer soon came. Sans, the older brother of the two, greeted Frisk with a smile and a bottle of ketchup in his left hand. "heya kiddo. you just made it in time for the show", said the skeleton in the blue sweater.

Frisk entered the house only to see Papyrus running around with a pot full of (almost) freshly made pasta. Papyrus was running back and forth from the kitchen back to the table multiple times over while spilling pasta all over the floor. He hadn't noticed Frisk's arrival at that time. Sans put his right hand on Frisk's shoulder and gave him a short nudge. "let's make a bet. i'll give you one chance to guess what he's cooking. if you guess correctly, i'll let you have an extra plate of Papyrus' spaghetti for dinner" said sans, as he watched Papyrus struggle to get a pot filled with red tomato sauce to the table. Frisk looked back at sans with a concerned look. "yeah i guess you're right. i wouldn't want another plate of whatever he's making right now. and let me tell ya, judging by the way he's preparing things now, it's definitely not spaghetti anymore".

Sans and Frisk laugh softly as Papyrus storms back into the room with plates and silverware clenched between his arms and bones. "SANS! DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO GET THE PLATES WHILE I SERVED THE FOOD? TRULY, YOU DO NOT MATCH MY GREATNESS IN ANY WAY OR FORM!" screamed the tall skeleton as he struggled to place the plates on the table. Sans got closer and removed a fork that got stuck between Papyrus' jaw. "i was letting frisk in while you were serving food and chewing down on your fork. must've been a stingy appetizer, huh?". Papyrus lets out a loud and frustrated sigh as he pulls out the last fork that got stuck in his shoulder joint. Frisk looks at the two brothers with a fascinated smile. Sans took a seat at the table and asked "well, we eating or what? your excellence here made us a great meal. let's dig in before it gets cold down to the bone".

Papyrus and Frisk both took a seat at the table. Frisk immediately noticed that the freshly made spaghetti wasn't freshly made at all. In fact, most of it was cold nearly to the point where it almost like ice. When Frisk finished inspecting the pasta, they looked up towards Papyrus only to be greeted with a big smiling skeleton who was eager for them to have a taste of their 'freshly' made cooking. Frisk looked over to sans, but he clearly wasn't going to take the first bite. Sans looked at Papyrus with an encouraging look, as if he was insisting his older brother to give Frisk the first serving. Not really feeling like eating cold spaghetti with who-knows-what's inside that pasta sauce, Frisk gulps loudly and gives an awkward smile to Papyrus. Thoroughly overjoyed by Frisk's reaction he scoops up a big serving of spaghetti for Frisk. Papyrus places the plate in front of Frisk and gives them a fork to eat with. Once again, Frisk gulps loudly when he sees the plate full of nearly-frozen spaghetti. Frisk picks up the fork and takes a portion of the spaghetti.


As Frisk was about to bring the fork closer to their mouth the front door suddenly opens with a loud bang. Frisk drops the fork back on the plate with a short sigh of relief. As the two skeletons and the human turn around towards the noise, they see a thin shaped person wall towards them with loud steps. Undyne had kicked the door in with her large boot and was clearly bothered by something. As she got closer to the table, she shouted Papyrus' name for the entire town to hear. "PAPYRUS, YOU SLACKER!" she shouted as she walked towards the tall skeleton and grabbed his arm. "You think it's normal to slack on training week, huh?!". "NO, UNDYNE I WASN'T SLACKING! I HAD SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO DO TODAY!" said Papyrus as he struggled to get out of Undyne's grasp. She looked towards sans and Frisk and quickly changed her attitude. "Hey! It's you! Long time no see, Frisk!". Frisk nodded with a smile while both them and sans had to resist laughing with Papyrus' struggle. "I'd love to chat with ya but I have a bone pile of things at hand that have to be done first." said Undyne as she dragged the Papyrus' through the floor back outside. Frisk could audibly hear sans snickering with the terrible joke Undyne made. A loud "NYEEEEEE" could be heard from afar as Undyne closee the door and said "Well, I'm off to train this slacker back to shape now. See ya soon, Frisk!".

Several seconds go by and everything grew quite again. Sans got up and headed towards the door. "you shouldn't eat that spaghetti anymore. in fact you shouldn't have even considered eating it to begin with. let's go to grillby's. i'll get you some actual food there. i also have something i want to talk to you about". Frisk tilted his head in confusion, but got up and followed the skeleton outside the house.

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