21 - Not in Love You Say

Start from the beginning

"That's what I thought," he said cooly as he walked to the bathroom.


About fifteen minutes later the bathroom door opened and out walked Draco in only a towel. I felt my mouth drop as he ran a hand through his wet hair.


I clamped my mouth shut and sat back on the bed which I had only just managed to pull myself into because of my weak legs.

I could see him biting back a smile as he approached me. My eyes landed on his stomach which was very toned. He stood before me and I couldn't help but reach out and touch his sculpted abs.

He chuckled and I felt his abs tighten. "All yours."

I watched dazedly as he dropped his towel. I had to stop myself from crawling across the bed to him. He slowly slipped on his boxers, then his trousers, followed by his button-up shirt and blazer.

"You've got a little bit of drool right there," he said, but I wasn't listening. I was too busy admiring him in a black suit.



He pulled me over to him so my legs were dangling off the bed. He stood between them and he stared down at me.

"I said you have a bit of drool."

My cheeks flushed red and he chuckled as he wiped it off my lips, somehow doing it in a sexy way.

"I'll see you for break," he murmured in a flirty tone making me wonder if he actually hated me, too.

I nodded and he walked to the door. "And don't do anything stupid to the baby," he said before walking out.

I flopped back onto the bed. Crap. I've completely forgotten I'm actually pregnant...and Draco and I weren't necessarily the most gentle last night.




"There you are! Where have you and Blair been?" Blaise asked me.

"Edward Estate. She's still there...not that it's any of your business though."

"Why? Is she ever coming back?"

I looked around to make sure no one was listening. "She's pregnant," I murmured in a low whisper.

"And how do you feel about it?"

I shrugged. "I'm actually not that mad anymore. We worked things out last night so I'm feeling a lot better."

"Please have mercy on that poor baby," Blaise mumbled as we walked over to Pansy.

"Baby? What baby?" she said quickly.

"Blair's pregnant," said Blaise.

Her face froze. "How do you two know?" she asked nervously.

"You and Blair aren't exactly the quietest when it comes to talking, but I talked to Blair and we're keeping it."

"She's gonna kill me! She'll think I told!" Pansy whined.

"Relax. I'm pretty sure she has other things on her mind," I said, a warm feeling rising in my stomach as I thought about the previous night.

"When is she coming back?" Pansy asked.

"Spring break."

"Ugh, that's like 3 months away."

"You can live without her till then. Besides, you've got me!" Blaise said, wrapping his arm around her waist.

They shared a quick glance and then Blaise gave me a look and I nodded knowingly. He led her away down the hall and gave me a thumbs-up as he went.


I sat in the Room of Requirement silently as I waited for the bird to return. I finally had luck with an apple, so I was using a bird.

I looked down at my hands. On my left ring finger, was the wedding ring. I spun it around my finger gently as I thought of Blair - the girl I had so desperately wanted to give herself up to me. The girl who vowed to hate me,  but doesn't seem to do so anymore...I said I would hate Blair too. I said I would never fall in love. That I've been brainwashed into not believing it was real, but those things are definitely not true anymore.

And the baby. The second she said she might be pregnant, I said I wouldn't stick around, but all this time, I hadn't realized I've loved it...and also its mother, and for quite some time.

Basically, I didn't know much at this time, but I did know that I was undoubtedly falling in love with Blair Rosalie Malfoy.

A thump came from the cabinet and a wave of stress washed back over me. I took a deep breath before opening the cabinet and when I did, my stomach dropped. The bird lay inside.


The exact fate Blair and I will suffer when we fail to complete this task.

The exact fate Blair and I have and will put to hundreds if not thousands of innocent people because we're Death Eaters.

The exact fate Blair and I didn't get to have a say in because we didn't have a choice.

I realized I was crying. The stress of the tasks has become overbearing and I'm alone right now. I don't have Blair to mess around with, I can't go to Blaise or Pansy because they're slowly falling in love, I can't go to Astoria because I'm a married man now and I'm loyal, and I can't go to Dumbledore. He's one of the most powerful wizards of our time and the Dark Lord is afraid of him. Dumbledore would know exactly what to do, but I'm tasked to murder him, so obviously I can't go to him.

The only reason I'm fulfilling these horrid tasks is to keep Blair and our families alive...and our baby.

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