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Sirius tried to have fun at the Ball, and he did. Just not on the way he was expecting to.

The night wasn't what he expected it to be for several reasons: first and less important, he was the only one to have a date, James had asked Lily Evans, a Gryffindor on their grade but she rejected him, Remus tried to but he was too nervous, and Peter. Well, he's Peter. 

Second, His date, Priya was a nice girl, she was funny and outgoing. But he had just invited her to make (Y/N) mad, and the moment he came in she just left! No crying, no screaming, no drama. It was boring. So all the staring and detective work he'd made to find out who she could have a crush on was for nothing. 

During classes, he had even blocked out the voice of the professor just to watch her! He still couldn't believe it, he kept glancing at the door from time to time, expecting to see the girl coming in. But she never did, and to think he'd planned and practiced a whole monologue to annoy her.

And third,  Priya got tired and left early, but before she told him that 'it had been a nice night but that would be it', and then patted him on the shoulder. Sirius didn't realize she had rejected him kindly until he was staring at his dorm's ceiling after he left the Ball. It didn't break his heart so he just went to sleep afterward.

So yeah, it was a nice night but not an incredible one. 

The next morning, (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. He hoped to see her in astronomy, it was unlike her to skip classes.

"Hey, where's (Y/N)?" He had asked James during breakfast, but he replied with a simple 'I don't know' and continued eating. He tried asking Remus as well but got the same answer. His stomach grumbled so instead of asking Peter, who would give him the same answer, he started to eat.

• • • • • • •

He didn't see her until later that day, during his daily strolls with James around the castle's halls. She was sitting below one of the biggest trees in the yard. It was, casually, the same one she was sitting below on Christmas while she wrapped different presents.

The difference was that this time, she wasn't alone, but accompanied by one Slytherin and one Ravenclaw. He thought she only hung out around Slytherins, so it was a shock to find her with someone of a different house.

He didn't notice he had been gawking until James nudged him with a playful smile on his lips. "Whatchu looking at?"

Sirius' cheeks went red and he quickly averted his gaze somewhere else. "That group of Hufflepuffs. The girl that's standing up is cute, is she not?" He said so casually it was almost believable.

But James knew him too well for that, "Whatever you say. But I don't think it's a good idea to crush on her, didn't you blast her in second year?"

"What are you talking about? I don't think I've ever blasted a Hufflepuff," He patted his friend in the shoulder before walking away.

• • • • • • •

Peter had been studying for some time now, trying to block out the loud voices of his friends, who were sitting besides him. The library was relatively empty, apart from them there was only one other person sitting in the library.

Remus plopped several books on the table, producing a large thud. "Here, read and shut up."

There were lots of books there, the topics all different: there were books for psychology, for potions, transfiguration, even for quidditch. But what did interest Sirius the most was the thinnest book, which had in bold blue letters, "How to be the best playboy ever."

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