"The Cyberbots are hollow which makes it easy to form the shape of whoever they magnetize to, and their brain and few internal parts make up the small box on my back." He turned to the side to show the prime.

Sixgun detached himself from Whirr, his pieces formed back the way that they were before, leaving Whirr where he was as well.

"Also, the Cyberbots also have an ability to heal their injuries very quickly, and if they explode, they can reform their body back together perfectly," Whirr said as he looked at the Prime.

"Demonstrate!" ordered Optimus, flicking a hand impatiently.

"Gladly," Whirr said as he clicked two buttons on his left servo guard. This action turned off Cog and Sixgun, their feet magnetized to the floor. They stood straight and motionless. The light from their visors dimmed but did not go out.

Whirr then detached his blaster from his right hip guard. He turned around and shot Aragon's upper left servo, just below his shoulder.

As quick as you could say, "Cyberbot!" Aragon drew his gun off his right hip holster, but was stopped by Whirr who had clicked another button on his left servo gauntlet.

"Why did he stop?" the Prime asked, surprise in his tone.

Whirr turned around to face the Autobot leader, a slight look of betrayal on his faceplate. "Because I don't fancy getting a headshot from an angry Cyberbot."

Optimus sat back in his throne. "Fair enough, continue."

The scientist continued. "Watch Aragon's servo heal."

The shot that had penetrated the black and red Cyberbot's armour was now almost healed.

"Impressive, most impressive," Optimus said with a wicked smirk.

"Thank you, but I think you will enjoy this most of all," said Whirr, clicking a few keys on his servo guard.

The three Cyberbots were now all turned on, and had shifted almost every piece of armour to reveal every kind of explosive imaginable.

"You see, they have everything, even this," said Whirr as he opened their chest armour to reveal a huge bomb. "As you can see, they each have one, and between that bomb and the rest of the explosives and firepower, the Cyberbots could obliterate the entire ranks of the Decepticons."

Optimus was now standing up in amazement. "And all this, at my fingertips. We could destroy the Decepticons, easily, so easily." The prime slowly sat back down in his throne, his optics never looking away from the Cyberbots that stood before him.

"Well, Whirr you have just assured me of where your loyalties truly are for you could end me now with the click of a button," the prime said, testing the scientist. His optics slid towards his present officers momentarily. "And with me, half of my close command."

Whirr looked at the button he could press to send everything the Cyberbots have in them at the prime. Then he looked back up at Optimus. "Yes, I guess so."

"But I know you wouldn't dare try it, because you would die trying," Optimus said with a wicked laugh.

The laugh was echoed by the twin Polyhexians by the door. Ricochet flexed his clawed fingers as he grinned darkly.

The red and white helicopter looked down at the floor and bowed at the waist, "I assure you, Prime, you have my full loyalty."

"Good, and now that I know you won't try and use these weapons against me, we can continue," Optimus said to the scientist.

"Yes of course," said Whirr as he clicked the buttons to put the Cyberbots back in their original position.

A comm request to all officers had them pausing.

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