The Stupid Bitch

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We are currently observing our 'protagonist' Sarah as she goes about her day. She is on her third cup of coffee and scrolling through her phone on her couch. Not much is happening in her life, Sarah is an asexual and aromantic so she has no need for a partner in her life. It's a normal slow Tuesday, she just got off of work and now has the rest of the day to herself.

It was going fine until some stupid bitch appeared behind her fridge door when she was scavenging for food. "Hello!" " did you get in my house?" "Through the door silly." "..yeah, ima need you to get out now, if you would be oh so kind as to leave before I call the cops?" 

"Ooohhh I can't do that. Sorry!" 

"..right." Sarah pauses and then starts to head towards her couch. "So you want something? If you were here to rob me or kill me I don't think you would have introduced yourself in such a way..." She trails off pondering "unless of course you're a new type of Serial Killer, and I'm your first victim, if so then by all means please kill me."

"I'm not a...serial killer was it? Yeah, I'm not here to kill you, I am here because you have been summoned as the female contestant for Earth."

Sarah stares at the stranger and starts laughing. "Pfft, Oh my GOD, are you high?!"

The stranger frowns "No I am not 'high' whatever that is unless you mean in height, then I guess I could be from the perspective of your small stature."

"Oi, are you callin' me small?"

"No, I am merely stating that considering your diminutive state I could be considered 'high' so on second thought I guess I am."

"Alright whatever, so what do you actually want?"

"As I told you I am here to summon you for your role as the female contestant of Earth in the battle for the King's hand." Sarah simply stares at the strange woman. Now that she is actually looking her clothes do, but that doesn't really give much credit to her supposed nationality of another universe, after all, we've got witches and stuff here.

"Haha, ok well it seems that you just need a female from Earth to take the role of contestant so find somebody else I don't want to do it."

"I'm afraid not, it specifically calls for a 21-year-old female of the middle class."

"Okay...? There are tons of women like that probably in this state alone. So why me specifically?"

"Because that is what the prophecy calls for."

"Annnnddd now there's a prophecy. I'm still not going, it's a free world, and I have no obligation to fight for some King that I've never even met."


"I'm afraid you have no choice." This Stupid Bitch thinks she can tell me what to do? "Bitch I think the fuck I do!" 

She sighed, this bitch actually sighed!


The now dubbed "Stupid Bitch" snapped her fingers and a wormhole appeared beneath Sarah's couch sucking it and her in.

"I shall see you on the other side dear 'Protagonist'."

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