Chapter 22

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It had been a week since Emma attained her menarche. Things went back to normal in the next two days. Grace, Pufai and Gulf's mom was always there to help them at need. Now things seemed more easy for both men than the first day. Twins promised to share their problems with them without any hesitation. Emma assured them that they were the best parents and Gulf was on cloud nine when she said even Jane their mom would agree that he is the best birthday gift that they have ever received.

"Have you been waiting for long phi? It doesn't seem like you wanted me here, you didn't even notice me coming. You forget everything  once you get a book in your hand."
Their every night begins with Gulf complaining about how Mew doesn't notice him while reading.
Gulf the same thing again. I wouldn't be waiting long if you didn't waste time staring at me standing outside the  room.
How did you know I was there. You never once took your eyes from the book.
It's not that Mew never notice him, but he likes it when Gulf craves for his attention. He likes the pout that forms on latter's face every night because he thinks Mew doesn't pay heed to him.

Gulf I can sense you when you are near me. I don't always needs to see you, my heart can feel your presence. Gulf refused to cheer up . Looks like my baby is still sulking.
Saying this Mew pulled those bread cheeks.
So you always knew I was there and still you ignored me. You know we both are busy during day time and night is the only time we get to spend just for ourselves.
But I can't help it. It's really cute when you want my attention. Sometimes I feel you are jealous of the book I read.
That means you were enjoying all these time. You were doing it on purpose.
Mew just laughed at the angry kitten standing in front of him, but immediately stopped when Gulf glared at him.

Hey where are you going at this hour?
Mew asked as he saw Gulf grabbing his pillows.
You really enjoy reading books when I am sulking, so I am making things easy for you. I am sleeping with my kids today.
Mew quickly grabbed onto Gulf's hands to stop him from leaving.
No you can't.
Yes I can Mr CEO. In case you forgot, I would like to remind you I am the Boss at home.
Yes... Yes ...You are the only boss here. I won't repeat this again. I swear I will stop all other work and wait for you every night. Baby please don't leave your hubby alone.

Mew pleaded with those puppy eyes, which he knew Gulf could never resist. Okay I give up. You can stop acting. Sometimes you really make me wonder who among us is the actor. Now sleep we both have work tomorrow.
Sleep! just like that. Don't tell me I waited for nothing.
Phi Mew No means no. We are not doing it tonight. Did you forget I am having work at your company tomorrow. I don't want to go walk into your building limping. So my love, sweet heart sleep tight. Good night. Gulf laid down pulling the blanket over him. Mew laid beside him with his hand supporting his head and stared at Gulf. Gulf could feel Mew's gaze even though his eyes were closed.
Phi staring at me is a waste of time, try to get some sleep.

Mew had so many expectations for the night and he wasn't ready to give upon them.
Baby can I at least hug you to sleep. Gulf didn't speak, instead he moved closer towards Mew and wrapped his hands around Mew's broad figure with his head tucked under Mew's chin. Mew too wrapped his hands tight around Gulf. Mew gently moved his hands up and down over Gulf's back.
Phi Meeww.. Don't even think about it. I can see through you.
Fine. But just for this night. Tomorrow you need to make up for this.
Said a disappointed Mew. And how am I suppose to do that my love?
Make up with everything you have. Gulf agreed to Mew's demands and kissed him good night. Both men fell into a deep slumber holding each other in their arms.

The next morning Gulf accompanied Mew to his work place as he was supposed to do a live on BELLEZA's new products. This time he had his new co star of his upcoming series which was soon to start shooting accompanying him. In this way both the product and the series would be hyped and promoted more. Mew held Gulf by his waist and lead him into his cabin. " You still have few minutes to spare right?"
Phi Mew we are living in the same house... you are speaking as if we rarely meet.
That doesn't mean I don't miss you. You know Gulf, missing someone when they are far away from you is one thing and then missing someone even though they are so close to you but you can't be with them is a different thing. I can't be with you today, I had asked Pufai to make sure my schedule would be free today so that I can stay and watch you working. But my bad luck an important client want's to meet today.

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