Miane Mior 1997

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Laying awake was a scattered girl barely maintaining a mind of her own, "2:30 AM , what a beautiful time to be awake" thought The girl, getting out of her bed and Dazily walking toward her bathroom due to low iron

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Laying awake was a scattered girl barely maintaining a mind of her own, "2:30 AM , what a beautiful time to be awake" thought The girl, getting out of her bed and Dazily walking toward her bathroom due to low iron.

"Don't let the concept of change scare you as much as the concept of staying unhappy." She said while looking in the mirror, pulling out a bottle of melatonin, she tipped her head back to pop a pill scrunching her face when the pill hit the back of her throat, and pushing the pill down with the help of the cup of water she happened to keep on her counter.

"Thoughts are just emotions of the physical, not of the mind, get it together Uvoria." She said looking into the mirror once again, The brown haired girl  walked back into her room turning off the bathroom light as she exited and got back into her small twin sized bed that sat on the floor in Her small apartment.

"You'll thank me later for this Uvoria, you just wait." She said aloud once more, a now falling asleep Girl cradled in her small apartment in New York City, baring to stay sound just at the heart of New York's core.

Awakening to the beauty of the suns rays, Uvoria stretched letting out a pleased screech of how amazing it felt, reaching over at her bedside she grabbed a book titled, "Miane Mior 1997." About two lost souls madly inlove in a pass life, but complete strangers in another longing for the same presence. "I don't know how you are so familiar to me, or why it feels less like I am getting to know you and more as though I am remembering who you are. How every smile, every whisper brings me closer to the impossible conclusion that I have known you before, I have loved you before. In another time, a different place, some other existence."

Uvoria read in her head, "Miane Mior 1997, the hotel." She whispered as if to reveal to the girl the answer to her conflict, She read on for what seemed like a second more untill she looked to the clock which revealed that it had been 2 hours after she had woken up,

"Dang it." She hitched, getting out of bed to shower and fix her hair. After these tasks were done she put on her casual wear and scurried out of her apartment locking the door behind her, "TAXI!" She yelped at the different yellow cabs rolling around Time Square, eventually to her dismay, an older looking one rolled infront of her just about to roll right over her foot .

"Jesus." She hitched as he was just inches from her toes, "where are ya tryin ta go?" The man yelled above all the noise, "Dukes Brew, the coffee shop just a few blocks down!" She yelled back just enough for him to hear , "get in." He said motioning his hand forward.

Stepping low to reach the handle Uvoria plopped down and buckled up admiring the city as the cab began to move, fantasies filled her mind as she stared up at the tall buildings toppling over for everyone to see, "How exposed these buildings are, so fragile and vibrant, to fill you up with joy from head to toe, the happiness you thought you'd never know." She said in her mind as she smiled to herself, about a few poetic thoughts more and she was parked right in-front of Dukes Brew, "5.00$" the man said holding his hand out to the back seat, Uvoria rolled her eyes and plopped a 5 dollar bill in his hands, managing her legs out of the car door at the same time.

Soon enough the cab was rolling on far away from what she could see, and now her focus was on weather or not today was a latte day or a mocha day, pulling the door and entering only to be consumed by the aroma of warm coffee beans and chocolate chip muffins that filled the air.

"Hey! My favorite customer!" A middle aged man said throwing is hands up and grinning ear to ear from behind the counter of the shop, "Hey Duke! You look pretty crowded here." Uvoria said looking around at all the customers sitting at the white tables by the window and eyeing a spot for herself, "Well business is business of course!" The Accent filled man implied, Uvoria loved his New York accent, it somehow brought her peace, "your two usuals?" He said smiling down at her, understanding that she never could choose between a latte or a mocha the past 3 years she's been coming to the shop.

"Uh mocha is fine thank you!" she said smiling and handing him $3.97 and going off to the spot she'd be eyeing the whole conversation, walking over to the little table in the corner of the shop she pulled out the book, "Miane Mior 1997." And began to open it where she'd left off when she was interrupted by a jab to the shoulder.

"Ouch!" She hissed, annoyed at the fact that she's been dealing with aggressive contact since she stepped foot out of the door, "Oh! I am so sorry ma'am." A tall Brown-skinned guy shrieked apologetically, Uvoria couldn't help but admire his eyes, a beautiful brown, how his skin glistened right along with the sunlight, "oh! No no it's okay really, I should've been paying attention." Uvoria said snapping herself out of her daze,

"Adryan, Adryan Downey." The handsome man said holding out his rather large hand to shake Uvoria's small one, "Uvoria, Uvoria Bentley." She said shaking his hand in return, his hand was soft and gentle, it consumed half her arm like a hug which she liked, "Miane Mior!" The Adryan said happily, "pardon?" Uvoria spoke, lifting a brow.

"I love that book, I'm still reading it , I haven't finished it, a lot of people find that book boring but I find it so passionate." The handsome man cooned, eyeing the book and looking Uvoria straight in the eye the entire time speaking.

"Oh yes it's a classic that is greatly looked over." Uvoria returned, getting deeper into conversation, "That's exactly what i always thought." Adryan spoke back, Making hand gestures as he spoke.

"MOCHA FOR UVORIA BENTLEY!" A lady yelled from behind the counter, "That's me." Uvoria said pointing to the counter with her thumb, "Do you want to finish our conversation at the table over there?" She blurted out, not thinking about what she'd just said.

"Of course!" He blurted out just as fast, the now sitting pair were across from eachother talking endlessly about a book they equally felt passionate about, "I'm so sorry I haven't even gotten a chance to know you beyond the book." Adryan chuckled looking down and then back up at Uvoria, his smile, so bright. It would shine a million miles in the night, his words so full, never a dull moment could fill this beautiful void." She spoke in her mind.

"Do you work anywhere?" He asked looking deeply intrigued in her answer, "oh well I used to work at Caves book shop if you know it, that's actually where I got the book." She spoke out gently flashing the book around, "used to? Did something happen?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Oh well no, I left, I'm actually preparing a trip to London, I'm moving there for college." She spoke back leaving him astonished at her last sentence, "Oh really wow! What are you planning on going to school for?" He questioned, seeming so pulled by the conversation.

"It's an art college, I'm majoring In
Writing, she said, becoming smiley.

"Your parents must be proud!"

"I don't know my parents, my real parents anyway, they gave me away at a young age and left me a decent amount of money as a low-blow apology, which is how I plan to pay for school, and my foster parents don't approve of a 20 year old girl going off to london so we don't talk." Uvoria said , holding back anger and sipping her mocha.

"I'm so so-" the boy began, but was interrupted, "So what about you?" Uvoria spoke over him before he could pity her, "oh, well I'm also in college, majoring in psychology, and my parents are divorced, my mother owns a Nail Salon just a few blocks from here-" Adryan Continued on but Uvoria could barely listen, "had I told him to much? he views me to a different extent." She continued on and on in her head untill finally interrupting once again.

"I have to go, I'll catch you later, " she spoke scurrying to grab her things, "wait! Could I at least get your number?" He said bracing himself for what he would hear next, " I only own a house-phone, I don't like the regular ones." Uvoria spoke out rushing out of the door before he could speak again, down the sidewalk she ran Until the brew was completely out of view.

"And yet another prince gone, I suck at being a Disney princess." She thought once more.

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