All the right places for us.

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The same book in the hands of the same embarrassed girl who had said too much to a guy that seemed too perfect for someone like her, "I feel this gravitational pull towards you my darling

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The same book in the hands of the same embarrassed girl who had said too much to a guy that seemed too perfect for someone like her, "I feel this gravitational pull towards you my darling. As if the universe and galaxies had a talk and said, it's time ."  She read on.

Staring out to the now dimming sky she began to forget about her Prince Charming that ran into her at the coffee shop, "Time is a virtue, and this was love at first sight." She still let thoughts pour into her mind, reading on in her cozy bed she began to hear thuds, "1,2,3." She counted in her mind, three thuds usually meant mail, the now walking girl made her way to her front door and to her surprise, "Hey." That same tall brown-skinned handsome guy spoke out.

"Prince Charming." She spoke into her mind, "How'd you know where I live?" She said having the door cracked so he could just see one of her hazel eyes, "I seen you run off earlier, I just thought I'd apologize if I said something wrong." He finished.

"Oh no you didn't, I'm sorry I was just busy earlier." The girl lied, "Hey um, can I show you something?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "Oh, I'm a-little wrapped up with packing and stuff." She lied once more, she hadn't even thought about packing, "It'll be an adventure, and I promise I don't bite." He winked.

Earning a laugh from the girl, "Come on Coffee shop girl, let's have some fun." He teased, a now blushing Uvoria opened the door slightly more revealing the rest of her freckled face, smiling and letting a nod reach the conversation, "Fine, but if this is going to be boring, I will be the one to do the biting." She teased, pointing her finger jokingly.

A now laughing Adryan stared down at the marble floor and back up to Uvoria, "Come in while I get dressed." Uvoria spoke, widening the door just enough for him to step inside, turning her back and walking toward her room, leaving him in the living room, "A beautiful place you've got." Adryan spoke out, exploring the plants in each corner and pictures hanging on the wall, "Thank you, I did it myself." She returned, putting on a tan sweater.

"All alone? don't you have friends?" He asked touching the mini tables with weird unique objects on them, and smelling the lemony candle sitting beside them, "Wow you sure do ask a lot of questions, is this an interview?" She joked , combing her hair and putting in her favorite pearl earrings, "Just want to get to know you is all." He said smiling, "No I don't have any friends, I'm an introvert as you can see, I live within books Mr. Adryan." She said sarcastically now walking out of the room to face him.

"A beautiful girl you are." Adryan spoke out admiring Uvoria, "Why thank you, your not too shabby yourself." She said squishing her face up Teasley and walking past him toward the door where her black low cut shoes sat, "So this place, where are we going?" She spoke putting on her shoes.

"You'll see, come on." He smiled, grabbing her hand out the door only for her to come back and lock it, shaking the door knob twice to make sure, "I'm pretty good at calling cabs." She offered, "oh I have my own car." He said pulling out his keys and clicking the button making the car honk twice, a tan convertible with silver in between, "old style." She thought, "I see your into tan things yea?" She spoke, flashing back to his tan plaid blouse he wore with a pair of khakis back at the brew.

"So do you." He shot back stepping down and heading toward the car for Uvoria to follow, she was just about to open the passenger seats door when he stepped in-front of her, "hey!" She shrieked, "ma lady." He said, moving out of her way and opening the silver latched car door for her, looking up at him and rolling her eyes she placed herself in the passenger seat as he gently closed her door and made his way to the drivers seat.

"Kind and gentle." She thought, the car began to move as the wind made its way brushing through her hair, the city lights bloomed and flashing colors scorched across the sky with them, making her smile at how beautifully messy the world was, "Do you like Elvis?" He finally spoke, shocked Uvoria looked back at the handsome Adryan, "are you kidding? I love Elvis!" She says as he turns up the dile on his radio blasting "Don't Be Cruel."

Jamming and singing all the way to their destination they finally arrived to what seemed to be the middle of absolute nowhere, "okay, I'm starting to think your going to murder me." Uvoria said , only half joking, "well no, come on!" He said pulling her out of the car and taking her hand to walk, after a few minutes of walking they made their way to a beautiful field of daisies covered all around with the almost night sky up above.

"Wow. This is beautiful." Uvoria said running down the hill and twirling around in the daisy covered field, "why'd you bring me here?" She asked after all the twirling she'd done, "because it's beautiful, and quiet. Like you." He replied, Uvoria then walked toward him and smiled, "I come here for safety, sometimes nature is the only think keeping me from breaking gravity." He continued, "And seeing you of course reminded me of the spot I feel most safe, here." Uvoria was now face to face with the boy, staring into his eyes as he stared back at hers.

Suddenly she pulled him by the hand practically dragging him off the top of the hill and they fell back on the field of daisies as the sky began to darken, they were in a comfortable silence admiring the stars when Adryan began to speak.

"I have loved you before, in another time, a different place, some other existence." He quoted, "I feel this gravitational pull towards you my darling, as if the universe and the galaxies had a talk and said, it's time." Uvoria quotes back, smiling up at the sky, she began to feel eyes burning into her cheek, coming in contact with them she found herself staring into Adryan's eyes, feeling more and more at home by the second, Suddenly he began to come closer, and closer until their noses were just on the brink of touch.

Still staring passionately into each others eyes he began to touch her waist, soft and gentle like, consuming her with just his palm, causing her to melt, with his other hand he touched her face, pushing her hair gently away from it, "kind and gentle." Uvoria recited in her mind.

Pulling away he looked her in the eyes, "think we should go? it's getting late." He spoke out, getting up and holding his hand out for her to grab, "oh yes, I am a busy women after all." Uvoria said, "a busy women indeed coffee shop girl." He spoke back, earning a scoff from her.

The pair walked back to the car and drove all the way back stopping at Uvoria's small cozy apartment, "1212." The door read, "Thank you for the marvelous evening Adryan." She said, "Well deserved Uvoria." He replied, she smiled and began making her way out of the car just about to unlocked the door when she was stopped in her tracks.



"Take this " Adryan replied, handing her a rolled up small paper with his index and middle finger.

"What's this?"

"Don't read it till you get inside."

Uvoria raised an eyebrow and poked out her lip but agreed, "oh and, have a goodnight." He said, driving off into the distance.

Soon enough Adryans tan convertible was out of view and Uvoria began unlocking her door feeling euphoric about her evening out with this beautiful boy she'd met just hours ago, she pulled out the paper and began to unravel it to reveal what was written inside, "212-456-8872. Call me sometime mrs. House phone." She read, chuckling she rolled the paper back up and put it on the dresser in her living room,

"Maybe i'm a pretty good Disney princess." She thought.

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