Something's happening IV.

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After dinner

Lydia was walking home with her family quietly while the others were talking about the dinner. She couldn't get the conversation with Misty out of her head. 'Maybe she's right, I've never been in love. But isn't it too late for me now?... Anyways how be in love feels then? She's so wise... wise... wise and beautiful... her eyes are as blue as ocean, people could easyly get lost in them. We glanced each other a lot during this whole thing... could that mean anything? WAIT. Why would it mean anything? Sure it does not. I love men. I have never liked girls... I think. I'm not sure. I don't know. Maybe it could be possible. I don't know.' Suddenly Preston's hands gripped her shoulders from behind and he shook her.

"Earth calls Lydiaaa. I can see you zoned out. Sup auntie?" Preston asked her during the walk.

"Uh- nothing I'm just tired." She looked straight forward as she walked.

"I asked that what do you think Misty likes me or Porter more?" He laughed and poked her with his elbow as he went next to her.

"I-I really don't know" she bit her lip as looking away from the guys. 'None of you assholes, she likes girls'

"Lydia don't do this, just say what's your opinion. Despite the fact that you've been kicked out by your man you don't have to be jealous of people who have spark between them." Both of them laughed while Preston turned to Porter "I bet she would be in a threesome with us"

"I bet she would, man" Porter laughed and gave a high five to his brother.

"I'd bang her. Did you see her leg in that dress? I'd check what is the end of them" Both guys laughed on Preston's dirty joke.

"The ground." Lydia murmured.

"What?" The boys said simultenoiusly and looked at her.

"You can find the ground at the end of her legs." She said ironically and with a little anger. The boys didn't realize that she made fun of them so they kept looking at her confused.

"You dumb, we meant the other end of her legs. You know, where leads to her puss-" Lydia felt her anger was gathering in her veins, but they couldn't finish their sentence.

"It's enough boys. Don't talk about our new neighbour like this." Lynette told off them. Lydia was thankful for Lynette, but she would be completely satisfied if she could punch the boys' faces. Surely she wouldn't do it. 'How can they be so childish? They are 24... I thought in that age people a little bit more serious. I'd rather forget this whole conversation.' Lydia thought as she rolled her eyes in her imagination.

They arrived to their house and went inside. Lydia thanked again Mrs. McCluskey to stayed here with the other kids (Penny, Parker and Paige) and she could go.

"Sure dear. How was the party? How is Misty?" The old lady asked as she and Lydia walked towards the front door and stepped out of the house.

"It was great! She's uhm.. she's fine" Lydia smiled gently while she felt her pulse became faster as the mention of the girl.

"And how did you two get on with each other?" McClusky asked kindly.

Lydia gulped. She knew that she had that strange feeling through the night. When she first saw Misty. When she first touched her hand. When they glanced at each other more than twice through the whole party. When they were at the kitchen... close to each other... When Misty admitted she's into girls. Lydia was confused.

"We were great. She's very... nice" She let out a little laugh as her eyes were leaving Mrs. McCluskey's. The old lady noticed the uncertainity.

"Nice, huh?" She grinned at Lydia like she knew something what Lydia didn't.

"Yeah, so thank you for your help again, Mrs. McCluskey" she tried to make the old lady not to ask more and go home.

"Bye sweetheart!" McCluskey started to walk away, when suddenly she turned back. "Lydia!"

Lydia turned to her and looked curiously.

"I can imagine you two as a couple" she said calmly, like it wouldn't be a big thing (for Lydia).

The girl's face went pale, she gulped. She felt like she was busted. "Uhm" she laughed nervously "W-why would you say this? It-it's not... I'm not..." she stammered and barely could look at McCluskey.

"I know she likes girls, and you're suspicious too"

"Uh- No she... I mean... nobody could know but I think she's straight.. w-we didn't talk about this. And, and I'm not." She laughed highly nervously, her behaviour betrayed her words.

"I saw her when she was here years ago, I went to her door to greet her and while we were talking she checked a woman who were running at the street. I know this means nothing, but I saw her face. I'm the master of read emotions." Her face was serious.

"And I read her diary once when we were at their house and I was searching the toilet room but I got lost." She added while her mouth went to a grin.
"And about you... any way you want... I just told my opinion. Goodbye child" she continously smirked and turned away to her own home's direction, left Lydia speechless.

She stood at the door for some more seconds to process what happened. 'What the hell. No way this way really happening. How? Just because I told she's nice? No way...No. But... but... if she could sense this maybe others could too. This? Ah... No, I don't like her. There's nothing between us. No.'
Then she went upstairs to her guest room, she done with her night routine while she tried not to think about Misty. There's nothing she could think about, this was the sentence what she repeated continously. More or less she succeeded, before sleep her thoughts were around what she would do with her life. What job she would do, where she would live. She couldn't tell how but despite her hard try, the last thought was before her eyelids closed: ' Tomorrow I could walk with Misty to the forest what is at the street's end'.

To be continued...

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