Something's happening II.

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Misty's part

(Misty's parents are fictional, you can imagine them anyhow, but I put in pictures to show you how I imagine them)

Fred & Allyson:

Fred & Allyson:

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It was 5 pm. Misty was very excited to visit her aunt Edie. They loved each other and Edie was always there for her anything happened. For those who haven't known Edie too well she seemed careless and emotionless but who were close to her knew that she would do anything for her relatives and loved ones. And Misty were a loved one for Edie. Edie's little sister, Allyson gave birth to her daughter when she was 17. Surely she wasn't prepared to be a mother but their parents were strict and religious, so she had to go through it. She had to marry a man who she didn't love and had to keep Misty who she didn't want. But of course when Misty has born she loved her with every inch of her soul and body. She couldn't say the same about her husbond, Fred. He was a stubborn, scornful and hot-headed man. He ofter shouted with her wife when she didn't do the housework or whenever when she wasn't perfect. But they tried to keep their problems under the beneath and not to show it to Misty. Especially Allyson was the one who tried to protect her daughter to avoid her attention about their problems. Although Misty was clever and a good observer so she knew that not everything is so perfect around them. Especially before the death of her parents. In that one month she always heard them argue in their room and sometimes she heard hits. And then one day when she came home from school the police called her that her parents died in a car crash. It was so misterious for her... she felt that maybe it wasn't the real cause of their death but first she believed everything.
Her father always was kind to her but she felt that maybe there's something she didn't know. And her mother always seemed happy but Misty saw in her eyes that she wasn't. There was some kind of sadness in her eyes. She felt it.

But now this day was the day when she arrived to Edie. She was the one who always listened to her and she could fully trust in. Their relationship was strong.

She pushed the bell in front of the door and Edie almost immediately opened the door with a huge smile.

"Hey little giiirl, I couldn't wait you more!" Edie pulled her into a hug what Misty surely reciprocated. It was so good to have a person who she could rely on with her life.

"It's so good to see you finally" Misty hugged her tighter and then let her go.

"Come in, get change, I made a little event for your visit. My neighbours come over 6:30 pm. You will love them. You know some of them if I remember well." She motioned Misty to the second floor to the guest room.

"Oh thank you, you really shouldn't have done this for me" Misty smiled and felt good about Edie's effort while she was packing out her clothes from her suitcase into the cupboard.

"Don't be silly, we have to celebrate you. You'll have a good time here." Edie sat down to the edge of Misty's bed.

"I know just... It's so strange to be here again. When was the last time? When I was around 17? I'm sure there's a lot thing changed here" she smiled uncertain.

"Oh there's not so much..." Edie noticed Misty's uncertainity. "Hey sweetie... it there something wrong?"

"No, just... I just feel since my parents died in that car accident my life turned upside down. And now that I had to leave my friend too... they just put me out and... I don't know I just feel like nothing is permanent in my life. I'm so glad I have you and I can trust in you. You would never lie to me." Misty smiled gently as she glanced to Edie.

"Sure I would never". She forced a smile and kept the eye contact but it was hard. It was hard because there was a big-big dirty secret what she was hiding from her for years. She didn't wanted to hide it but she was afraid if she tell her... maybe she lose her. Lose her trust and maybe their strong relationship break.

"Well... what do you think which dress should I wear?" Misty showed her 3 bohemian styled dress. It was her style. Always. Edie's style were a lot different that's sure but she never ever thought that Misty was uncool. She loved that her niece has an own style. It perfectly matched to her personality.

"I still don't understand how your father let you wear these" she laughed and made a look of all the 3 dresses.

"Me neither" Misty laughed as well. "Although he always told me that I look like some bohemian hippie or a gypsy but I didn't care."

"I think choose this one" she pointed to a green dress with flowers on it. "It's cute.. and short. Lynette's 2 elder sons will come here too if I remember well." She winked.

Aand there was a little secret what Misty didn't tell Edie. She liked girls. But she knew that nobody could know it. Her father was homophobic, he always talked about it. Her mother and Edie were from a strict family, quite conservative so she didn't dare to share with them. Although Edie wasn't conservatie at all that's true. The whole street knew that Edie eats man for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her sexual life... wasn't near to conservative at all. And her whole personality seemed wild and young. Misty thought Edie was against her family's rules and traditions on purpose. But she still didn't dare.

"Yeah... hope the boys will like it" she laughed shyly.

"I'm sure they will" Edie laughed and stood up "I leave you to change, I will be downstairs. The quests is about to arrive. Hurry a little sweatheart"

"Okay.........and Edie" Edie turned to her from the door "thank you for having me".

"Sure thing" she smiled and winked then disappeared behind the door.

Misty put on her clothes and made a look in the mirror.
"Let's do this"
And she heard the first doorbell.

To be continued...

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