"We're Children!"

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A lot of us are going through hell. And I don't know how we keep going.

The faint outline of Wilbur stepped in front of Tommy and Tubbo. He looked at all of the adults in front of him. Sam, Jack Manifold, Niki, Bad, Captain Puffy, Technoblade...Phil. They all looked at him in shock.

"What the fuck? What the actual fuck are you thinking?" He screamed at them. His voice was shaky. He looked back at the two boys behind him. They looked terrified. Not of him though.  He turned around and pulled them into a hug. He held them and let them cry silent tears into his jacket.

"Wil?" He scowled and turned back around. "Wil... let's just go take a seat." He scowled at all of them... almost all of them. He had no reason to be mad at Sam, Tommy trusted Sam. He seemed to be the only good thing for the child behind him at the moment.

"No I will not take a seat." He stared directly at his father. Phil stood in front of the adults that were there. He then noticed someone behind the adults. They were tall and seemed really anxious. They didn't look any older than sixteen, maybe seventeen. They kept shifting in place and nervously mumbling to themself. He then realized this was another kid that got pulled into this sick joke.

He carefully walked over, passing the adults without a second glance. He grabbed their hand and started to walk back. He only stopped when he noticed another one stuck behind the eggpire people. Wilbur lead both of them to Tommy and Tubbo and stood facing them. He heard the calls, protests, yelling of the other group but ignored it.

"Tommy.. I don't have much left in this form. I need you to knock some sense into these dickheads for me."

"But Wil I-"

"Tommy. It's okay. I believe in you. I'm proud for how far you've come." He started fading. "Love you Tommy."

Now it was the blond that was left there. He stopped looking at where his brother stood only moments before and turned to the group of adults. He stepped forward just like Wilbur had done and did what he did best. Yell at some stupid ass adults.

"What the fuck! I don't know how I ever felt safe around you people! D'you know what would make me feel safe? Not having to carry a weapon with me everywhere I go, or be watched at every corner, or be in anymore fucking wars." He didnt look at anyone in particular but his eyes seemed to wander to who he was thinking of with every word said.

"Tommy we're just trying to protect you-" Phil tried saying. Why was Phil the one talking about this. Protecting? What protecting has he done since being here? He killed his fucking son and ran away with his other son. He blew up everything two of his sons worked for and felt no remorse whatsoever. How could he be speaking out about protection now?

"No! You're killing us! You are killing us. Don't you get that?" Tubbo yelled and stepped forward so he was standing next to his best friend. He specifically looked at Jack Manifold and Nihachu. The people he thought were his friends but only wanted to kill his best friend.

"We're just trying to prepare you." Bad spoke up. He was hurt about something, you could hear it in his voice. But his body stood strong and his face showed no emotion.

"To prepare us for what exactly? For what it feels like to be hunted? To practice getting ready to die? To make us feel afraid for our lives?"

"We already know how that feels." Tommy screamed. Some adults flinched or stepped back. Sam walked forward and stood behind the four. He rested his hand on the handle of his sword. The mask he wore covered any expression in his eyes but even with that some adults recoiled under his stare.

"You're scaring us to death. Everyday. Everyday. Everyday!" Ranboo spoke up. He wasn't one to look people directly in the eyes normally but he stared right back at any adult that tried looking at him directly. He moved his arms to point at the three other teenagers around him. They nodded with every everyday he shouted. (lmao staring contest time)

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