"What took you so long" Kim asks as soon as she opens the door to me. She immediately grabs the coffee out of my hand and walks into the living room. I hang my coat up and take my shoes off before sitting down on the couch making sure I'm in a comfortable position for however long me and Kim are going to end up talking for. Most likely a few hours. Kim and Vances house is fucking massive. Like mansion size big. They have 6 bedrooms,9 bathrooms,a pool that has a god damn waterside,movie theatre,spa,sauna,game room,man cave,wine cellar,a tree house for max in the back yard and a room dedicated specifically for when Max has sleepovers with his friends. To put it simple they are loaded.

"Traffic" I lie. Truth is i spent half an hour sitting outside Hardins apartment debating on wether I should go in or not. His car was there so I knew he would answer but apart of me needed him to come to me. It would have gone a long way if he tried to call or even text because I would have answered. Im not ignoring him but it feels like he's ignoring me in a way. Avoiding me at least.

"Wheres Mr Happy pants?" Max comes running down the stairs jumping onto Kim. I feel bad every time I come here and hardins not with me. Max has asked every single time I come over since I can remember. Even when Hardin had gone off the map Kim and vance decided not to say anything to him because no one new for certain wether he was dead or not. Max absolutely adored Hardin since I can remember. He's always asking me about him and what he's doing. When he can come sleep over at our place or if Hardin can play games with him on Xbox. Hardin doesnt come over here often not unless it's with me or he needs to talk to Vance about the book. He avoids coming here at all costs and hates every second when he is here. Kimberly annoys him more than he lets on and its me who has to deal with him droning on about how she never stops talking or how she always has some kind of alcoholic beverage in her dainty hands. I find it hilarious watching them go at eachothers throats all night and Vance finds it funny too but we both sit back and watch the rather entertaining discussion unfold in front of us. One rule we all stick by though is that no one talks about politics at any point.

"Im sorry Max hes not here with me. I can let him know you said hi though" The look of confusion on his face is prominent.

"But his car is right outside?" He says. My face drops and right on queue Hardin walks through the door. Seeing him here again is making me realise that im more hurt than anything. I will admit I had a part to play in this. None of this would have happened if my past wasn't brought up again.

"Hey buddy" Hardin sits down on the couch accross from me and Kim. This is incredibly awkward and Kim just sits there looking back and forth between me and hardin her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Ok whats going on with you two. Your usually all over eachother." I widen my eyes at Kim trying to hint at the fact that I dont want to talk about it and im guessing Hardin doesnt either.

"Ok no ones answering me soooo I'm gonna go and I'll bring Max with me so you two can...talk. I will be in the kitchen if you need me. Try not to tear eachothers heads off. I need you both to be back to your normal PDA selfs in time for my wedding." I silently try and plead Kim to stay with my facial expressions but her being the good friend she is leaves me in this awkward and tense situation. This conversation was inevitable but I didnt expect it to happen the day after I moved out.

"What are you doing here?" I clear my throat breaking the deafening silence.

"Um Vance wanted to talk about something,im guessing the book. I have nothing else to do so..." I can see his eyes scanning my face trying to read how im feeling. I nod and the room falls back into silence. God this is beyond uncomfortable.
A few looooooong seconds pass before he finally says something.

"I miss you." My eyes follow his as he gets up and sits next to me on the couch.

"Can we go outside to talk please. Somewhere where there's no ears listening in on us." He's referring to Kim. We both know she has her face pressed up against the door trying to listen in to our conversation. She loves drama no matter who's it is. Im glad she finds my relationship problem is providing her with some form od entertainment.

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